Forum Post: The Tea Party is a fake corporate backed movement.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:37 p.m. EST by flamingliberal
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The Tea Party is fake, if they were about freedom, they wouldn't be trying to end this movement. They are afraid of a true grassroots movement that request true change. They (the tea party) like their corporate handlers want to monopolize protests in America. Don't let the corporate slaves dictate when, where, and why you can protest.
Very true I agree completely and i don't think Occupy Wallstreet is dependent on them joining, but I still think any reaching out wouldn't be bad and might even hasten some type of action against Wallstreet, banks etc . I think ndividuals who sympathize with the Tea Party and who are members would find common ground.
Noam Chomsky on the TEA PARTY
So is OWS. Nothing real or spontaneous here. It's a bullshit manipulation game that's as bad as any other. It was very well orchestrated from the start and continues to be. Sorry, you're getting played.
Background on Kalle Lasn:
More information regarding the origin of this "spontaneous movement," including that the primary OWS web site was originally registered to Lasn (since hidden using an anonymous registration service) in early June 2011, prior to the July time frame he states in various interviews as when this all began:
Interview with Lasn claiming responsibility:
Email archive of Occupy Wall Street's months of planning for this "spontaneous" movement:
Lots more if you want to look for it. Wait until those e-mails start hitting the media and people start to see this for what it really is.
OWS may have been inspired by Kalle Lasn, but it cannot be compared to the backing of the Tea Party by the Koch brothers. You obviously do not understand the difference between grass roots and corporate sponsored protests. This man saw how angry people were and urged them to begin. The Koch brothers saw racism and fueled it with their fears and money.
Just as much money involved, just different sponsors. And just as manipulated if not more so.
yeah, sponsored by the American people that donate to the protestors. You are a nut and a nit-wit.
Good dog. lol
Like I said, wait until some of the background and details start coming out once the media gets past thinking that this is something that it's not and figures out that they've been played too. And it will.
You could go look at the email archives for yourself for a start, but you won't because you don't really want to know. Better to just keep the blinders on let things be what you want them to be instead. Good luck with that.
I was originally going to read them, but when I realized it was a Breitbart Are you fucking kidding me?!? That guy is the biggest lying douche-bag of all time. He fucks with the truth in order to get people like you to freak out and push his agenda. You, my "friend" are a fool for falling for it. I bet you watch FOX News all day long too! LOL! Get lost.
Nope, I don't. But I do know who got that information and how. And FWIW it's not very easy to fake an entire e-mail archive containing the real e-mail addresses and headers, et. al., of real people.
As I said I don't expect that you'd look beyond your own very limited world. See, that's the difference between us and why you make a loyal dog. I can go to a site independent of what I may think of who runs it and assess the value of information myself versus having to be told what to do and what to think and to stay away from there because it's baaaadddd like a little kid. lol That's why you're still getting played.
Uhhh I remember Occupy Wallstreet getting organized by Anonymous and picked up on by other people and groups. Whether it's the Tea Party or Occupy Wallstreet people don't show up unless they have some type of sympathy with the ideas or actions the organizers propose.
Promoted by, not organized by. Some clearly do have sympathy. Which is what they use to play them. There's a big difference between what some think they're signing up to and what they're actually getting involved with. It's not really about Wall Street or jobs or most of the rest. Just pretenses. And that will become clear very soon. Watch and learn...
You sound more like a conspiracy theorist than a truth hunter.
No sound like he had a vision from Glenn Beck about the duplicitous nature of anyone on the Left's beliefs or ideas. I like Glenn Beck's prophecy a few months ago that Communists and Obama were plotting demonstrations in the streets. So... at any point in the future if there are demonstrations or any type of political action that strays to the left Glenn Beck is proven correct
Nope. Actually I was a sympathetic supporter. But I'm not letting anybody play me like what's happening here. Sorry.
He does sound like Glenn Beck is his God, doesn't he? lol :(
Don't really have to develop any conspiracy theories when people aren't even really trying to hide what they're doing. lol You just have to open your eyes.
Well I'm not going to support anyone els's agenda but my own opinion and I will make that be known
That's a fact jack.
I believe the reason that The Tea Party is trying to end this movement is the simple fact that this movement is a joke. There are too many idiots involved in this movement for their to be any substance behind it anymore. The Tea Party is just trying to be somewhat nice about it so they don't hurt any of the irresponsible whiners feelings.
We should only reach out to those that will renounce ever being part of a fake movement to begin with. We need to promise to forgive those that only clung to the TP because there was nothing real for them to express their grievances.
Any talk of an alliance with a TP group sounds no different than allying with the banks to oppose the TP. They represent the same exact long-term interests. Just like Mcdonald's and their "Save the McRib" campaign, the banks created the TP to serve their own interests with the perverted illusion of dissent.
The Tea Party voted for the GOP, who have done nothing but attack unions and destroy jobs in America. The GOP are nothing but corporate owned puppets.
Tea Party? No thanks. It's time to create the Working People's Party.
Think about the name "Tea" Party, I have it on good authority from a friend who is lets say well displaced that this party is funded by socialist liberals from Canada who are backed by right wing socialists from England seeking to undermine the U.S.A. God Bless All of You
Funny how many hacks sitting in RW think tanks are being paid to tryand convince us to stop, lol! looks like were doing well then, lets keep it up. btw..this is global..good night
The Tea Party is funded and backed by the Koch brothers who just gave Mitt Romney 10 Million as well. They run a PAC organization that allows them to donate money. Karl Rove also runs a political PAC that donates to the Tea Party. It only takes 10 million to buy a US President. Sounds Cheap.
Ron Paul wants to abolish the government. He's an anarchist.
Indeed. What I see going on is....Same tactics different spin.
yup, ron paul supporters started that movement, then it was highjacked and they kicked him out pretty much. they will do they same thing with this movement if they havent already
tea partIERS are not much different from us, we agree on a lot of issues like corruption, waste, big business writing legislation while small biz suffers etcetc