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Forum Post: The Super Committee get the message - NOT!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 10:55 a.m. EST by Krankie (140)
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Just listening to one of the Republicans on the Super Committee. These people are just unbelievable... In fact, I don't think they are even human - they just can't help themselves trotting out the same old party lines. I swear that if you asked these guys if they like flowers that their answer would be that Obamacare is killing small businesses. They have their heads so far up their funders backsides that they have absolutely no conception of how sick people in this country are with them. I know that all politicians are owned by the 1%, but we really need to throw out every single incumbent at the next election, from both parties. Maybe then they will get just a little glimmer of a hint of how fed up the American people are...



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[-] 1 points by Rmarks1701 (103) 13 years ago

the problem is, in this case the republicans are right. Obama Care will destroy small businesses. Let me tell you why.

Most small business owners do not make a lot of money, and they have a lot of outgoings. These outgoings are: Rent on their building, electricity, water, phone, stock, taxes and wages. Considering that any business has to keep prices low enough to attract customers while high enough to pay for all of these things, then you will see that most small businesses cannot make much money. A larger business such as wal-mart has more buying power and so can actually sell things for cheaper than a small business. Now throw in the Obama care, where any business with more than 5 employees (including the boss/owner) has got to buy it's employees health insurance, and considering that the cost of even a basic health insurance package is upwards of $500 per month per person, then you can see that buying health insurance for each employee will seriously effect profits. Yes some of this will be offset by sharing the cost between the employer and employee, but any employee will only accept only a certain amount being withdrawn from their paycheck to pay for health insurance. the rest will be borne by the employer, cutting into the amount of money they make to pay their other "personal" bills (such has healthcare, house payments, gas, electricity, water, phone etc).

this means that to compensate for the increased spending, they are going to have to raise their prices, but larger chains such as wal-mart will be able to keep their prices substantially lower because of their increased buying power.

In other words, prices at wal-mart may only go up 5cents per item, but at a small business, prices may have to rise by up to a dollar per item (or more).

this is what will happen if Obama care comes into effect.......be prepared