Forum Post: The StUck Option
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 9:48 p.m. EST by ozzir
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I feel that we need to stop asking for a solution. We all know that the way the system is set up now is failing. So I feel that we need to come up with a solution. Right now we are asking people to come up with a solution for us.
The reason why the stock market is so powerful, why businesses are so powerful is because for years the Average American has had only this avenue to invest their life saving in. Our only option is to invest our hard earned money into one avenue...businesses. This has allowed businesses to grow into corporate giants..."Too Big to Fail". Well I say lets redistribute that wealth. How? Well you must find another avenue you must find the most common asset amongst the Average American...Homes, Real Estate, Single Family Homes, Townhomes, Condos..ect. See this is the same common denominator that has brought our economy to it's knees. However, we the majority are the only ones that are suffering. There is a way that we can use this commone asset as a tool and not as a weapon. There is a way for all of us to prosper and benefit from the largest most common asset in American...Homes.
Check out and tell me your thoughts.