Forum Post: The Structure of Deception
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 14, 2011, 2:49 a.m. EST by imhotep3223
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The art of deception One may look at an argument or strong position as ones own person belief structure, a need to view the world individually. The need to be a part of a purpose, yet separate and distinct. It is a desire shared by all human beings. However, all humans have one more thing in common with each other that is not shared by any other creature; the ability to lie. Among all things we have in common with each other as a species, as a creation, this is the one thing that can give us the advantage over each other. Although humans are not equal in talent or intelligence, humans have an advantage over every creature on earth. That is of course our capacity to reason, empathy, invent, create, imagine, know mortality and ponder immortality, socialize and create fiction, all due to the development of our brains. Sadly, our inability to be honest by creating fiction is one of our deepest weaknesses. Not only can we create fiction for others or lie, we also can create a fiction in our mind or lie to ourselves. Thus setting humans up for failure. Yes we can deduce with our larger brains, but when the stories and lies hate and inequality are spreading around on the tongues of innocent victims, creating a storm of differing "opinions" as if the "opinion was discovered and created by the man or women who heard the idea offhandedly or read it somewhere or learned from an adult in the case of children. The question arises; is your "opinion" , your own? Perhaps, you agreed to an idea or "opinion" out of fear, religious ties, admiration, personal contemplation or a need to be a part of the masses, as all humans are inclined to desire. But does that make it your own? Because a group, or man, or woman persuaded you to an idea/opinion they created and you agree. Does that make the opinion or idea the "opinion" yours? Lets look at an example. In the case of constitutional rights; blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians, bisexuals and trangender people have been classified and classed as not equal to whites, straights, closeted bisexuals and closeted gays and lesbians. Why? Because as all schoolyard bullies know, its easy to pick on the kid thats different, espesially if you have a mob to aid you,and the easiest way to get a mob to aid you is lie. Lie about them, and create distance by making all the other kids see that this new kid is different. Though it couldn't be further from the truth. The truth may be that this new kid has several things in common with the other kids. The greatest tactict of deception and deceivers is to create a rift, or an uncommon ground to develope devision through lack of communication. And with no communication we can't talk about what we have in common, thus the uncommon ground all wars and misunderstanding are derived from deception. By fabricating a being by focusing on a person that is different we create an enemy and by so doing force others to take a stance by us, (who has a stong opinion and thus must know the truth about the other person), or with the person who we said was different. We will call this the "anti device". Through the movement of the "anti device". A deceiver can use this device to dominate others opinions and sway them to their own. One example of this is saying" if you're not for me your against me". Implying that if you support "gays" for instance you are not only against that person who told you what it is to be gay, but also the groups he repesents through association, the people, fanacial insitutions, companies, morals and most important, the idea of life after death and the god associate with this mans religious affiliation. Wow this "anti" person has so much backing him. You can't let them all down by having a conversation with this gay person who is so different. My favorite "anti" arguement (and there are so many that are skillfully deceptive) is the argument that being gay is a choice. So simple, yet so confusing to comprehend. The reason this is a bold face lie, is simply put, its an infered opinion, or an opinion that can never be proven. A man who is not gay or a women that is not a lesbian can never have the choice in the first place to choose to become a gay, and a straight person can never know what it is like to be gay and vic versa for a gay to know what it is to be straight. That would be like me saying to a fish "you chose to be a fish". I can make that arguement because its subjective. The fish if it could talk, could make no agrument in return that could conclusively prove it was made that way. When you use a subjective acusation with a "anti device" only the person your lying about knows the truth about themselves, thats the genius of it. Making the perfect lie, because those born gay know if they choose or not, and if those born gay argue the point that it was never a choice for them, then the rebut to that is simply calling them liars. Making it impossible for them to refute the claim, because how can gays prove one, that they were born that way, and second, how can they prove their not lying? If sexuality is a part of the mind, no one but the occupant of that individual mind can know the truth, thus making it impossible to prove. If a straight man made that acusation , then that man will never know because he is not gay; and if a gay man made that acusation, then he would know its a false acusation because he can never remember making a decision to be gay, but no one else will question the acusation understanding that if they side with a gay the disapproving mass will consider them gay or simply they are gay, and are afraid of being found out themselves. Creating a vortex of finger pointing. "I'm not gay but he is". The "anti device" or creating an enemy is the greatest tool of deceivers. Primarily due to mass effect of disassociation. Anytime someone wants to get a mass behind them they create a "anti device" a enemy that a group can with mob blindness be against. Likewise the "anti device" intrinsically creates a side that overbaringly demands it is right. Making all other arguments wrong solely based on the blind arrogance of self proclaimed knowledge. Wake up! Those of you who follow blindly against OWS!!!!
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Perfect example of what I have been saying all along. The media plants opinions, and the masses repeat, based on the belief system they hold to. Then repeat over and over, and even the repeaters believe the lies themselves. This is the mind control people. The media spin are the anti-devices. What you believe and repeat becomes the mob of anti-devices. They keep the scams going so we are saturated with so much crap, and divided we remain. Great work! People don't even know if what they repeat is true. Before long the water is so muddy, you don't see through it anymore. Your eyes focus on the mud, not what it is covering. I wish many could understand that the masses are under mind control. It is time to wake up. Before you repeat something, research it and verify it yourself if it interests you. Debunk as you see fit, - only when equipped with truth.
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With all due respect, your analysis of the dynamics of deception, as interesting as it may be, fails to make a compelling point in relation to OWS. While you seem to address people who aren't capable of taking a critical position, you are posting on a forum for people who already made an important critical choice by joining OWS. Even assuming you address people who are against OWS, i doubt an extensive, yet vague analysis such as this one will change even a single opinion.
A summarized version could be much more effective:
"People are born with an instinctive distrust of what differs from the convention and the majority. This is so simply because change often means danger in the natural world. Because of this we humans tend to distrust someone advocating for change, unless we feel the clear need for such change ourselves.
In light of this, people who feel hatred towards OWS should first make an accurate research about the cause and purpose of the movement before deciding based on circumstantial evidence. (like occupations damaging local businesses)."