Forum Post: The "Stay On Message" Of Our Opponents Today
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 10:39 p.m. EST by GypsyKing
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A clearly documented method of the ultra-right supporters of the 1% is, stay on message. It was a tactic advised by Hitler - "The bigger the lie is, and the more you keep repeating it, the more it will be accepted as truth". The lie of the day is, "Occupy is losing support, everyone is leaving the occupy movement, little old ladies in minneola are afraid of us." By using all their media tools in a concerted effort they expect to turn this lie into reality - don't buy it.
I said "A tactic advised by Hiltler," not that he created it. I sure there have been other tyrants that ruled by intimidation and lies who have used the same tactic both before and after him. The point is that it is anti-American, di,rty dealing, not that nobody but Hitler ever used it, in fact . . . uh, the Bush Administration and Karl Rove come to mind.
I want you to go to this post. I want you to speak truth to power!. Say it once, say it twice. Say it loud. Say it proud. I'm down with the KTC. The Revolution starts here!
The Revolution starts here! No one can silence the Revolution!
Spot on.
They have been trying this from the start actually. First they said we have "no leaders or clear demands and will be gone in a week"
This was more a wish than a prediction. The purpose is to make people jaded against participating in the movement. They have been belittling the movement at each stage ever since.
A few days after the massive global occupy protests on oct 15, they where declaring that we had lost traction and were falling apart. When this didn't happen, and when tens of thousands of people flooded Manhattan last Thursday, they are just starting anew.
Now that they are forced to admit that OWS is a serious global movement, they have to insist that we are losing our support.
Regardless of corporate media blackouts, and later campaigns to smear/attack/ridicule us we just keep picking up steam. The internet and social media have destroyed the corporate media's ability to control the public dialogue.
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win"---- Gandhi
Man, I love it when I get a comment from someone who really gets it!!!
Hitler started the stay on message thing? He was the first one? Your proof please.