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Forum Post: The Solution to the Economic Crisis

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:13 p.m. EST by oracle (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am all for this movement. To solve our country's problems we need to think outside the box. Unfortunately Wall Street is not going to change. It is legalized gambling with the wealthy holding all of the cards. In a perfect world this is what I would do to solve our problems.

1- First and foremost we need to remove our dependence on oil the reason being is this:

  • If gas was .50 a gallon people would spend the extra money in the economy it would create jobs in the US because manufacturing would then be affordable in the US.

  • No oil, no terrorism, the terrorist need money to fund there projects. If you take away their income they cannot do much.

How do we wean ourselves off oil? It is pretty simple. During WW2 we got all the smartest people together and put them at Los Alamos and said find a way to make the bomb before the Germans. Guess what, they did!

The economic situation we are in now is no difference. We need to declare war on oil and have all the smartest people in one location and say find a way to run a car on something other than oil. That product needs to be environmentally friendly and it needs to be abundant within the US and have a never ending supply. Give these people a deadline of 4 years to complete the project. Never under estimate American ingenuity. I would bet my bottom dollar if we were in a real war and we were going to run out of oil to fight that war. I guarantee the government would find an alternate energy source to fight that war. By declaring war on oil you will see the price of oil drop almost instantaneously because the only income those foreign countries have is from oil and they have no interest in a different energy source it is known as self preservation.

2- To get the economy on the move the government needs to help the 99% and one way of doing that is to lower the interest rates to 2% for everyone with a Freddie or Fannie home loans. You would only be able to get this rate for your primary residence. Everyone in the US would be eligible, the rich, the poor and the middle class. By doing this it would spur the economy and people would have extra money in their pocket and they would spend it. It would also start the rise in housing prices. This may sound like a bail out and it probably is. But if your going to bail somebody out it should be the WE THE PEOPLE not WE THE CORPORATIONS.

3- Health care- I do not care what anyone says only the rich will be able to afford healthcare if we keep the system like it is. Health insurance goes up every year and at some point people make the decision that they can not afford it anymore, What this does is create a smaller and smaller pool of insured and in turn raises the price of their health insurance and then in turn they go without. There is only one solution and that is to force everyone in the US to have health Insurance, You have to have a large pool of people with the majority of them healthy to have affordable health insurance. There is no way around it. Medicare is a subsidized program and if the seniors had to pay what it really costs to have them insured they would not be able to afford it. The far right will say this is socialism. We are not a democracy now. Medicare is a social program. I do not have the ability to opt out of taxes. Is it fair if I do not have kids that I have to pay taxes for schools? There are certain thing as Americans that all should have and health insurance is one of them!

4- Job Creation- If the above were implemented the jobs would be created. Once the alternate energy source and technology is development. The manufacturing would be set up like the Pharmaceutical industry. The cars and their parts would all have to be made in the US for 7 years like a patent creating and keeping manufacturing jobs herein the US. After those 7 years the market would open up.

In closing the PEOPLE have to think outside the box. We need innovative thinkers far smarter than I to get us out of this mess. I have just presented a few ideas that could help us. I am sure others have great ideas also. Wall Street is not going to change it is the nature of the beast. CEO’s are slaves to the stockholders. Every year they have to turn a profit. To do that they outsource the labor, they computerize the labor, they cut benefits, they cut pensions. It is a viscous circle and it is the way Wall Street works. Something has to change! The greatest of all empires the Romans lasted a 1000 years but it eventually fell. We have only been around 200 plus years. Is this the beginning of the end of the grand experiment? Let’s hope not! The Oracle



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[-] 1 points by Uguysarenuts (270) 13 years ago

If your ideas were achieved, the country would fade to the pages of history. Your ideas are stupid and there is a good reason why no one will listen. Cause and effect, try to balance that in your next post.

[-] 1 points by oracle (2) 13 years ago

Low interest did not create the bubble. The lending practices from the banks gave loans to people that should not have gotten loans. The 2% interest rate would only be allowed for people who bought during the bubble. Currently if you wanted a loan you have to jump thru 20 hoops and you still may not get a loan. I think the banks have changed their lending practices.

[-] 1 points by LincolnCA (160) 13 years ago

Manufacturing is already affordable in the US, it's just that corporations realize that worker's rights don't exist in other countries so they can go elsewhere to get the slave labor they desire that quadruples their profits!

[-] 1 points by ikaramazov (2) 13 years ago

The low interest rates is what has fueled the financial bubbles and housing crisis. The best way to help the 99% is to establish and safeguard a just economy that cannot be captured by lobbyists.

[-] 1 points by changeinmotion2 (66) from Portland, ME 13 years ago

ADD this into the mix....

"Make Corporations Responsible for Communities at large".. they need to be responsible actors in this game - they need to be forced to change ...

Read Neale Walsh ... says it perfectly ... any corporation - all employee salaries are visible - each knows what each is making... cap the salary level where above this any profits get cut - percentage to the work force... percentages to management - they get paid more for a reason and are not hourly for a reason- they are paid high enough already to make the hard decisions... workers making the product, workers keeping the quality high and making management happy deserve the biggest bang... now once you have that you take another percentage and GIVE to programs - GIVE to charity ... you make your American Corporations RESPONSIBLE - put this into legislation -

CHANGE EXISTING Legislation - we need to see Banking Regs change - we need to change the SEC rules and regs... we need to change the way corporations are allowed to do business. THEY MUST be made into responsible bodies that support their communities... Make Corps Responsible to the Communities at large...