Forum Post: The solution of complete indepenence and freedom. Free energy.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:03 a.m. EST by unfleecedbysheep
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There is so much potential energy all around us. The ionosphere is far up in the atmosphere but the potential between the millions of volts it contains and the earth continues all the way to the surface. The potential energy differential between the ground and just one foot above the ground is between 30 volts. Just one foot. Batteries are 6 and 12 volts. Solar panel battery banks are often wired to 36 and 48 volts. So the ability for these systems to charge using latent energy in our lower atmosphere is constant. Simple circuitry can be designed using very inexpensive materials commonly available at radio shack. This has been demonstrated before. The energy used is returned to the earth through it's use and returns to the atmosphere through the polar regions where the ionosphere's altitude is at it's lowest due to the magnetic fields of the earth. The ionosphere is constantly recharged and regulated by the magnetic fields of the earth and solar radiating energies. Complex and expensive devices like photovoltaic cells are unnecessary. Mechanical devices like wind turbines are not efficient due to their great size and the loss of energy by transmission lines over great distances. There are a number of new engine and fuel saving combustion engine advances that can be created with commonly available materials. These engines produce very clean emissions, especially in comparison with the common designs used in all "modern" automobiles. These technologies have been known and available for over a hundred years. Why do you think we have not been able to implement them. These advances would bankrupt hundred billion dollar industries. These business tycoons want to keep their control over our lives. Do some research. Ask questions. Change the way we live. End the useless wasteful and constant consumption of fuels that make us dependent upon these corporations. We should not be worried about how we pay our bills. We should focus on producing what we really need, Food, and clean Water. All people will then be independent and self reliant. With no need to work for others, we would be able to enjoy life and our own beautiful countries, Without destroying them.