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Forum Post: The Solution is Here

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 3:08 p.m. EST by CeoTwenty4seven (3)
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The people must be entreprenuerial and produce their own employment. We cannot look to those that have exploited us to now consider us, and the government cannot make them. We've seen government's attempt to correct bad business. It is fractured with political divisions, and, subsequently, proves a feeble obstacle that business merely maneuvers around. I have developed a new structure for business that is built around the human nature to business, returning humanity to business. It redefines the business enterprise as a human inniative. It redefines profit based upon the benefit and overall value of a reciprocal approach in business enterprising. It is called 'The HR-Centric Business Structure'. It is a business model that is centered around human resource as being the most valuable resource of an enterprise. From the HR that constitutes the enterprise to the consumer that supports the enterprise, it recognizes human resource as a replenishable resource to be invested in and developed for that potential as a replenishable resource for continuos profit. The current business model is one of exploitation, where the human nature to business is not considered, and the inherent value of human resource is marginalized as being most effectively exploited for what can be wrung from it. The greater profitability of reciprocity is not considered. I have also devised a new system of banking. It is called 'Administrative Banking'. It presents the bank as a resource of the people. It is not designed to profit in and of itself, but, rather to support it's operations as a resource, by which HR is employed and account holders are involved in profiting from the process of the bank providing banking services to the public. Only through the empowered position of entreprenurialism will the people ever be served in business, and the 1% hoard redistributed among the people conducting business; providing employment for one another, all in the interest of the American economy. We cannot rely on the corporate enterprise to feed, house, clothe, and employ us. We must learn, in this generation, to do these for ourselves. This is how our ancestors built this nation; this is how we will restore it. It is time for a return to the basics. All those interested: Ceotwenty4seven@gmail.com



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[-] 1 points by JoTerrence (50) from Palmdale, CA 13 years ago

This will go a long way to restoring the way our ancestors built our nation. It is not difficult to keep the energy (money) flowing. But the 1% has closed the pipeline that keeps everything humming along. What solution will indict the elite for shutting down this economic model. They are illegally oppressing us and no one is going to jail. Any solution we come up with they will make illegal. What solution will free us from them and their police state that makes us exploited for what can be wrung from us. It is hard to break free from our conditioning, only from being in a different paradigm can we see what is happening clearly. This new paradigm is currently being thrusted on us causing us to come up with something that can be thrusted back to stop the object pursued by the 1%. This is the solution we are looking for at this crucial time. Economist Richard Wolff also promotes this solution you give and hopefully with talks of state owned banks or administrative banking we can begin the entreprenurialism we used to have before corporations promised their trillions would trickle down. It did not and your solution is being implemented on a small scale resulting from this broken promise and growing. I have posted two posts American two tierd justice system with solution and What mandate did the 99ers give when they were reduced. Let me know what you think. Jo