Forum Post: The Situation in Greece
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 6:30 p.m. EST by FHampton
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"Athens braced for 'mother of all strikes'"
"Thousands of riot police are being rushed to Athens ahead of what one Greek daily has dubbed 'the mother of all strikes' – a 48-hour stoppage with a pledge by unions to flood the capital with protesters"
"All of Athens will be flooded with protesters. These will be the biggest protests that Greece has ever seen," said Ilias Illiopoulos, who heads the union of public-sector employees, Adedy. "The ability of the people to tolerate policies that have only yielded poverty and despair has come to an end."
We do really seem to be reaching some sort of threshold.
change is frightening
Economist Michael Hudson weighs in:
What's the proper organizational structure for communicating solidarity? And what kind of action can be taken to demonstrate solidarity?
They really need to get out of the Euro and cast of the IMF dogs.
John Lanchester's view:
How would that work? The Greek state would just refuse repayment to the EU? How can that be accomplished?
Just like the Latin Americans did...
"Sorry bro, no dough" shrug
Worked for them. ; )
Worked for Iceland, too.
"The situation in Greece has rabidly deteriorated since the IMF/ECB/EU (troika) pushed extreme structural reforms on Greece in exchange for a 110 billion euro bailout in 2010. Unemployment is near 17 percent, with youth unemployment over 40 percent and the country’s suicide rate has increased 40 percent over the past few years. Public anger is only increasing as the economy increasingly plummets."
Commentary by Richard Seymour:
Further commentary
"This situation is full of opportunities for the radical left. Opinion polls indicate that the combined vote of all the various forces to the left of PASOK could reach 30 percent. The most radical left parties--the Communist Party, and the left-wing coalitions SYRIZA and ANTARSYA--could together get more than 20 percent of the vote."
Because of the capitalization, I thought this was about The Situation being in Greece. Letdown.