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Forum Post: The single fact that scammed the world.....????

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:27 a.m. EST by nixy (4)
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The system whereby the scum (the banks and their lapdog politician mates) are able to create money from NOTHING.

Funny thing is......and you'll like this bit....... even though it DID NOT EXIST....they still want it returned. They want to have returned something that did not exist!! ......

People (voters) wanted money today, ....... so the scum provided.....in just the same way a drug dealer provides for his 'clients'.

And the even funnier bit is ....... especially if you're a banker ...... is 90% of the 99% blame it all on.....wait for it.......capitalism!! ........ not the banker!!



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[-] 1 points by brokeandproud (2) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

"a private bank owned by the Jews"

wow, really? i'm a jew and i wasn't even aware i owned the bank, awesome! now i can pay my rent!

bigoted generalizations of any kind don't belong in the 99% movement. i am the 99%, we are the 99%. the majority of jews are the 99% the majority of any particular religion, ethnicity, gender, ideology etc etc etc are the 99%.

that's the point. we're all in this together, except that small number of people we call the 1%. those who control from the 1% have only one thing in common as a group: greed. and that has nothing to do with their religion or heritage.

azizanasna, get a clue. or at least keep your bigotry to yourself.

[-] 1 points by nixy (4) 13 years ago

To be brutally honest I don't really care who owns a bank so long as they are honest.

Once upon a time reputation counted for something, and dishonest people were known as the liars they were, no one would have anything to do with them. This isn't the case today.

We now give knighthoods to crooks like SIR Fred Goodwin (Chief ex crook of RBS) given by the idiots (crooks) ex PM Tony Blair and Gordon Brown(?)