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Forum Post: The Single Biggest Issue: Campaign Finance Reform

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 4:06 p.m. EST by sandalman (0)
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There's one pressing issue at the root of all the corruption and growing inequality - the way our government elects its representatives. Wealth and power has far too great of an influence on the political process; America is supposed to be a government OF the people, BY the people FOR the people. But right now, people don't hold power - money does. If we can just get back to a reasonable process of electing our representatives we will see the power shift back to whoever can convince the most hearts and minds that they have the best policy. No more character attacks, no more sound-bite based politics, no more kowtowing to big corporate donors. Right now it's not "One Person, One Vote", it's "One Dollar, One Vote". The more money you have, the more free speech you have - and it's warping our political system, entrenching power in the hands of the few and disenfranchising the rest of us.

Here are a couple suggestions for what we ought to be calling for:

  1. Eliminate all political advertising on television and the radio. None. This both avoids the problem of the Supreme Court and will severly curtail the ability of those with wealth to exert their influence. Plus, the media has the disturbing effect of promoting shallow debate and sound-bite politicians, when what we need is depth and carefully considered policy options. As a bonus, this sidesteps the Supreme Court's troubling ruling in Citizens United (making it irrelevant).

  2. Enforce hard caps on campaign spending, and make them relatively low. Think of this like sports - The game isn't served very well when the Yankees get to spend all the money they can throw at it and the TB Rays are stuck with a payroll a fraction of the size. Cap the spending and you'll see the substance of a candidate's arguments trump the size of their wallets, and perhaps a relevant third party candidate again.

These are just a couple of suggestions: please post your own in the comments. But regardless of how we might end up solving the problem, Occupy Wall Street should make it a point to call for these reforms as part of our demands.

Let's get back to "One Person, One Vote" again.



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[-] 2 points by annlola (3) 13 years ago

I agree, until we solve this problem, we will not solve anything! As long as it takes huge amounts of money to be elected, the government will be corrupt...period. Why not allow only public radio and public TV debates to those with enough signatures to be a valid candidate. Also, the internet provides a free public format.

[-] 1 points by annlola (3) 13 years ago

There is a way to change this in a hurry without changing the constitution or getting rid of any justices...it's called WRITE IN A REAL CANDIDATE...so look around at the people you know who would be a great leader and start this process...we can take back our government.

[-] 1 points by Teacher (469) 13 years ago

If we amend the constitution, we can get money out of politics.

[-] 1 points by mindhawk (175) from Jefferson City, MO 13 years ago

Supreme court says money is speech and advertising is speech.

I hate campaign spending and I hate campaign advertising but unless we also succeed in removing the 5 justices who voted for citizens united from the supreme court, there is no way.

I do not think money is speech but you can't make making campaign videso illegal without being quite draconian.

It's the stupid pissing contest for spots on the nightly news that are dumb. I have always wondered why so many people are swayed by those.

[-] 1 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 13 years ago

Amending the Constitution is the way around the Supreme Court ruling.

[-] -1 points by JeffBlock2012 (272) 13 years ago

The core problem is NOT who pays for expensive campaigns/elections, it is why campaigns/elections are expensive in the first place. We have an 18th century system of voting. In the 21st century a candidate should be anyone who can put up a website. To run for President requires offices in all 50 states, staff and volunteers, and signatures to get on ballots. Make campaigns/elections open and free, and we've cured half the problem. The other half is our Congresspeople and Presidents should be worth "nothing" to big contributors. The system needs to be changed to structurally make that happen.

Marketing/advertising money is another story and I'm for free speech. It is not clear the winner is the one with the most marketing money - just ask Ross Perot, Steve Forbes, and Mitt Romney. To some extent voters react negatively when they feel a candidate is trying to buy his/her candidacy.

We Have Permission to Change the System http://www.JeffBlock2012.com