Forum Post: The science is now settled, fracking does NOT harm the environment.
Posted 12 years ago on March 4, 2012, 4:10 p.m. EST by incomeforall
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The US has done study after study and other countries scientists have all studied it and a preponderance of scientists now say fracking is not dangerous.
Now there are all these crazy fracking denialists who ignore the science and claim that fracking hurts the water supply when all these scientists say it doesn't, the science is settled and anyone who denies it is crazy!
So the groundwater is safe to drink then? Ok, you first!
what was the explanation for tap water being set on fire? that was a natural occurrence?
Denialist! The science is settled! Thousands of geologists agree fracking is safe! Are you in the pay of the Denialists??
are you a paid troll? there hasnt been enough time to decide if its safe.. who paid these scientist? the fracking company?
LOL, you kids don't do irony do ya? :)
Yes, we frequently rely on studies from Poland. :/
fracking effects the environment
Thats true, except when fracking chemicals make it into aquifers, like in Wyoming.
this is happening because unfortunately in America they dont want to prospect any kind of leakage. if you know what i mean =)
Just another hysterical conservatroll livid that people don't just blindly accept everything the authoritarian corporatists say. Didn't catch the fact that every company involved in that study is state-owned and, therefore, according to conservative ideology, suspect. Didn't catch the fact that the Polish government really, really wants this study to be good for the environment so it can start drilling. The very same type of person who doesn't believe a report from the OMB (unless it supports the conservative agenda) is touting a Polish study involving state-owned companies?
"It is difficult to make a man understand a thing when his paycheck depends upon his not understanding it." ~Upton Sinclaire
its called 'cognitive dissonance' a well understood human aberration
Yep, like being "pro-life" and "pro-death penalty" simultaneously. Lots of that over on the right. ;-)
That's like saying I saw it not do any damage, last week or three years from now.
It is interesting to know how scientific studies work. Did you know there are medical studies that conclude that smoking is good for you? Improves your memory.
Good, let's get busy fracking Poland.
It makes earthquakes and poisons water here.
I guess in Poland they dont drink water or have earthquakes
They'll just sell 'em more bottled water. It's more profitable that way. You gotsta look at the BIG picture.
It's part of the plan IE: Reduce trust in local water supplies to open new markets for bottled water.
It's a win, win, and what's few earthquakes, compared to enormous profits?