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Forum Post: The Root of the Problem is Money In Politics

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 9:03 a.m. EST by ourtimetoact (5) from Glen Allen, VA
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"The root cause of the problem is money in politics and any attempt to “fix” the problem without addressing the Root Cause, is doomed to failure because any “fix” will only address the symptoms of the problem. Until we have public financing of all political campaigns, without any private or corporate funding we will always have these problems." http://www.endtheillusion.org/rootcause.html

The solution is a Constitutional Amendment.
http://www.getmoneyout.com/ http://www.rootstrikers.org/

This is our time to act!



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[-] 1 points by ourtimetoact (5) from Glen Allen, VA 13 years ago

You make some great points! If the government created the system then the only way to change the system is through the government. People need to stand up and change the way government operates by removing the money, the only way to do that is through a constitutional amendment Once we remove the money from our electoral process that will allow the system to respond on the needs of the people and the country. Wouldn't you agree that the only way to change the monetary system is through government intervention?

[-] 1 points by Republicae (81) 13 years ago

The root cause is a system of Mercantilism that has been fostered by this government through the functionality of the Federal Reserve System. The government has effectively created a system of Patronage, one where it has the power, through the use of a Fiat Monetary System to siphon off the wealth of this country through the hidden taxation of monetary inflation to redistribute the wealth of the nation to its favored corporate buddies. It is corrupt to the core, it is not operating on behalf of the People, but on behalf of itself and its favored Patronages. Lobbyists are simply a symptom of the problem, they are not the source of the problem, neither is private or corporate funding of elections, that too is merely a symptom of the problem, the source is the system of Patronage that this government depends on and the Fiat Monetary System that makes such Patronage possible. Until that is addressed there will be no change in the system. We will continue to be the victims of a Government Sponsored and Directed Serfdom, where the People labor for what is essentially pennies on the "Dollar" because inflation has eaten away at the purchasing power of our wages to the point that today every "Dollar' earned only has the buying power of about 3 Cents.