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Forum Post: The role of OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 9:42 p.m. EST by Idaltu (662)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

One thing is certain; if OWS succeeds in finding a way to rid politics of money, this movement will have won a major battle. And for some there would no longer be a need to Occupy. At that point OWS will become a small notation in history books.

However, removing the money from politics does nothing to change the current status quo. Poverty will continue, and a living wage for workers will continue to be nothing more than a pipe dream. If you want equity, then you have to cultivate a society based on something other than capitalism and that is not the business of OWS.



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[-] 1 points by texantyrant (14) from Air Force Academy, CO 13 years ago

Well, what do you propose we base it on? Why do you think it will be better? I for one favor a capitalistic society overseen by effective government regulation to prevent excesses, which is why I support this movement.

[-] 1 points by texantyrant (14) from Air Force Academy, CO 13 years ago

Well, what do you propose we base it on? Why do you think it will be better? I for one favor a capitalistic society overseen by effective government regulation to prevent excesses, which is why I support this movement.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Remove the money so honest people can run. Within two elections we will put D and R in the minority, and start doing it right again.

[-] 1 points by guest (68) 13 years ago

ows will succeed in getting money out of politics-and that will be a minor battle. the issue is not to get rid of poverty- the issue is all humans will be treated equity, if we have plenty then we enjoy it together, if we don't have food then we starve together.

a society based on something other then capitalism- is our business- it will be a society based on human freedom, it might be capitalism- but the people will decide that- all the people not just the filthy rich ones

[-] 1 points by JOEJOE (32) 13 years ago

OWS will never succeed, because they are funded by the 1%, through Soros, Adbusters is a foundation that is supported by the Tidelands Foundation, which in turn is founded by Soros, Sore-ass the Jew.

Just what these Zionst Jews are up to??????????????????????????????

Put your thinking cap on.

[-] 1 points by PandaMe73 (303) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

The only thing the Montgomory Bus boycotts were protesting was mistreatment in one small sector of society. But they showed the way and over the next 10 years, culminating in the Selma marches, others took up the larger cause of seeking justice and Civil Rights. It wasn't until1965, and then 1968 that effective legislation began to right the injustices and ensure equality of opportunity. It took a couple more decades to begin to see the results in an entrenched African American middle class, and even then it was understood that full equality would be a matter of incremental progress as equality of opportunity allowed for more African American upward mobility.

This is just the first step of many in the march toward fairness and transparency in politics, and ultimately, toward economic justice. So yes, taking up the mantle to fix every single thing is not the business of OWS, their business was to get us started, because until that happens, nothing changes even a little.

[-] 1 points by JoTerrence (50) from Palmdale, CA 13 years ago

Taking up the mantle to fix every single thing is the business of those whom we commission. Duty given us is to provide a New Guard for our future security. This guard has been developed and proven to work for every single thing. OWS should make us aware of this Jason Bourne phenomena so we can give our consent to this detractorless system operating in 25 OECD nations. This would go along way to preventing police abuses during this time of transition.

[-] 0 points by mynameisfred (115) 13 years ago

America is laughing at you. You are entertainment to us.