Forum Post: The Robots are Coming
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 20, 2014, 10:03 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Robots are Coming for White Collar Jobs, Yves Smith 1/20/14
If Ted Cruz or Rand Paul understood and believed this how would they react?
Publicly they'd probably ridicule the idea. Privately they might imagine a utopia of elites without the worry of underclass rebellion. A complete end to spending that supports the "welfare state" is promised. There'll be no more need for armies or war. Only the few, the arrogant, the rich will survive. All those living will have all that they could ever want or need. For the first time in history their servants will be completely programmable, without a chance of rebellious consciousness creeping into their mechanical "thought" processors. That such is really not much different than Tea Party consciousness will never occur to the true believers of today's right-wing base, and few of any under faction, before we're extinct.
But don't get me wrong. I love you, you brain dead morons!
How do we convince ourselves to put up an effective fight for our survival?
that is the trillion dollar question
or a nickle
Bot's been runnin' the Street for a while now.
Cannot beat them --> see 360 burgers in a hour