Forum Post: The Rise of the S.I.C.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 26, 2011, 1:58 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The rise of the surveillance industrial complex in the United States does have some interesting, and from my point of view, highly useful aspects to it.
Public perceptions are now turning to focus at the various ways our society and those protections contained in the Bill of Rights has been subverted to an ideology of oppression and control of the general public.
I noted some years ago a very simple, and disquieting fact:
- you can run, but you can't hide.
From my perspective it is absolutely true.
Very soon now, the sum of this technology will fall to the people's hands.
She was kinda cute, and kinda young,
and no one knew she kept a pistol
in her purse. She only used it once.
So I wonder: Was she the Master
of her own Domain?
Upon this point we could now dispute . . .
I would see her often at the slams
come Friday nite, and often she would win,
way back in nineteen ninety-nine.
She would feign with innocence,
thinly veil a smile and flirt
with mystery . . .
When she got the news, she did not fight,
she simply took control. "Cancer" she was told,
was why she could not eat.
So I wonder: Was she the Master
of her own Domain?
Upon this point we could now dispute . . .
Would she have sought to overcome
had she not learned the Great Distrust
within Domain?
No one knew she kept a pistol
in her purse. Yet they said so
passing by.
She only used it once.
© D. Winter June 19, 2008
Soon now, the minions and the acolytes of Dr. Martin Groder and Dr. Edgar Schein will themselves, find no where they may hide.
Dear Oz
Of imperial charade
what is it like
to step out from behind your curtain
and join the munchkins
in the box?
© D. Winter 1999
that's right mutherfuckers
you can run
but you can't hide
there are no aliens
it's just another lie
told by actors
on a stage
What you're talking about has been debunked as pseudoscience a long time ago. It's not healthy to confabulate and make up conspiracy theories. Take your medication and stop passing along myths.
I can repelicate the process, nimrod
bet I could make ya shave ya head.
here, try and be entertained
piss off
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Zen, have you known anyone that was experimented on?
I realize that this is a personal question and I understand if you do not wish to answer it.
try the entire city of Burlington
there used to be a behavioral research protocol taking place in the immediate environs of Church Street, research into sexual attitudes and behaviors, involving some portion of the student body - all ambiguous, incorporating principles of neural linguistics and the first overt cue they provided was the phrase
It was attended by an abnormally high incidence of rape occurring around the periphery of the experimental field, and a few of these incidents involved violence borne of rage, which I do believe, in themselves, occurred in a statistically significant number beyond what would be considered norm.
Just one of the victims
So, where can I find information on it?
My assumption is that issues like this are in all probability related - but I'm pulling up the article now.
That's not exactly what I was looking for - there was federal funding available in 2009 or 2010 for research into college freshmen - females I believe - and their sexual attitudes and behaviors that generated a bit of backlash from Congress - but I'm not finding anything related at the moment.
I will try to hunt around.
I want you to know that I hate psychology. The father of psychology was a coke head. I remember having this argument with one of my prof's.
"But, but.....he was a coke head."
"Yes, and he was the first to discuss sexuality in this manner."
"So,........we should consult the crackheads on the corner?"
Good luck.
I've never been able to get anyone with knowledge to discuss neural linguistics - or more specifically, neural linguistic reprogramming - in any detail.
Whether peer reviewed studies actually exist or not I can't say.
Everything that I am hitting is saying that neural linguistic reprogramming has been discredited and that this is more of a pseudo-science.
I could show you how to get someone to kill themselves with that little bit of pseudo-science
It's powerful chit.
I sat on a bench one day, I was having a bad day, didn't want to be bothered.
A guy I went to high school with, and is definitely mentally ill, sat on the bench next to me. I told him, on a hunch,
he left. Didn't speak to me for 2 years.
I wrote a poem.
Is Edgar Schein the Ed in your poems?
no -
In 1997 there used to be graffiti appearing all over - and some of it spelled Ed, or E.Leo, or EDLS [Ed Ls]
And then one day the neural linguistic suggestion was that Ed was sitting on a bench - so I have a face I associate with the name, regardless of the accuracy of the suggestion.
The possibility is entirely likely that the face I associate has nothing to do with any of it - and yet -
there was a pic on the FBI website, one of seven, of people wanted for questioning in regard to the bombing of the Atlanta Olympics - you know? Where Richard Jewel said he was going to be a hero?
Anyway - one of the seven pics on the FBI website was a perfect match to my Ed - in my opinion.
And a few months after I saw the pic, they got the guy who actually did the bombing.
Anywayz - have a limerick
Zen, did they do experiments on you?
There are five basic questions within the construct as I have seen it - the first is
They don't hand you a questionnaire. Instead they use environmental constructs - like a red wallet laying by the curb, and then through direct observation evaluate your response.
That question nearly killed me -
In 1996 I was working at a homeless shelter. I rode a bike a lot. About a block away from where I found the red wallet, and just a few weeks later - maybe less, a car ran a red light, as I was peddling across the street.
They just missed me - by maybe an inch.
Within six months life as I knew it began to go sideways.
Someone I knew offered me a job - I didn't pass the background check. Of course not. Earlier I had witnessed two guys beat up another - big guys, one on one wouldn't have been fair, and here there were two, both well over 6 foot and 200 lbs - one a Northfield cop and the other a Burlington teacher - brothers.
They both lost their jobs over that assault on a guy half the size of one of them. I signed a statement.
So. I didn't pass the background - you can't run drugs with a background like that.
Everything got really crazy after that - and among the craziness came the questions.
Evaluations regarding your belief of spirituality, your sexuality, and finally,
Most people don't talk about it - precisely because the whole process is so outrageously insane. Once you've seen it, there is no question, the process is nationwide, reflected in art, television - both in shows and commercials, movies, literature.
It's a subculture, just like the culture of party is a sub culture. They are, I think, closely related.
an excerpt.
I was just closing out my windows, forgot I had loaded that page on Packard.
I don't recall those excerpts from the book - I guess they could have been in there - but some of the computer applications included in this excerpt seem as if they must be much more recent than Packard's book from 1977.
It's possible I only focused on a couple of select chapters too - I can't remember.
It's an excellent book - in it Packard mentions something he called Whole Systems Management
but he never really quantified what it was - just that it had been implemented in a city on the south east coast.
I find this interesting.
Vance Packard, in his book The People Shapers, 1977, cited one Lloyd Home [or Holme, I've forgotten] and his statement from the Psychological Record 18; 1968
And then there is the issue of aliens . . .
the heaven's gate cult
Art Bell and his radio show - who did, just one day before their mass suicide, allow his show to become a platform that echoed their belief in a flying saucer hiding in the tail of the Hale-Bop Comet
Such events and the book by Festinger When Prophecy Fails 1961
widespread claims of alien abduction during the late 1960s
FBI response today to claims of UFO sightings
there are no aliens
it's just another lie
told by actors
on a stage
I can't prove it
but I could show you some really really cool tricks -
next time you hear of someone going off, screaming they are out to get me
you just think of me, and know that I could make anyone scream
Half of me is thinking, I don't need to know that. The other half of me is drumming up a grudge list.
I kid.
I'm tellin' ya . . .
Were it up to me, I'd have the entire repelican policy making apparatus leaping from tall buildings with a single bound . .. .
All under red banners
and suggestings of leaping
And speaking of leaping
I saw on the news some guy plans to leap from some canyon or large rock out in the south west - either on New Years this year or next - on the mistaken belief that in doing so he will some how save the world.
Can't prove it - but I know he's been subjected to a similar research protocol.
Little manchurian candidates
On the research protocol?
that's a good question. I don't know.
I know what I saw.
From my perspective it appeared to be a protocol with a variety of uses, and as a result one or two of the locals put together their own little network of nitwits for the express purpose of counter surveillance of the local PD, and before they were done they even engaged in a bit of their own small acts of terrorism.
Making phoney distress calls from the lake, overtly stalking the cops and engaging in widespread vandalism, including B&Es during the summer 2009. Typical fightclub style bullshit without a lot of imagination - and on occasion - presumably - someone else - would get a lot more creative.
that's right mutherfuckers
you can run
but you can't hide
run mutherfuckers
run mutherfuckers
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that's right
run mutherfuckers
run mutherfuckers
you can run
but you can't hide
You're just another idiot flooding this forum with your trolling. How sad this OWS forum has become. It's just filled with old degenerates.
Intellectual thought has been crushed by the likes of you. Just here to pass off your conspiracy theories as truth and logic. Just here to show off and insult others. How lame.
Well, it could be . . .
then again, you don't know shit about me. Could be I'm another Joseph Stack just waiting for some nimrod like you to take with me.
The fact is that conspiracy does exist. Even kids conspire - to stay out late at night beyond curfew, at friends homes their parents do not approve of.
Drugs are widely available as recreational substances nation wide despite prohibition. This is itself, a measure of the depth and breadth that conspiracy has taken hold of this nation. I think it's a problem.
And then there is shit like this:
the heaven's gate cult
Art Bell and his radio show - who did, just one day before their mass suicide, allow his show to become a platform that echoed their belief in a flying saucer hiding in the tail of the Hale-Bop Comet
Such events and the book by Festinger When Prophecy Fails 1961
widespread claims of alien abduction during the late 1960s
FBI response today to claims of UFO sightings
there are no aliens
it's just another lie
told by actors
on a stage
I'm only commenting on what you post on this forum. Essentially, it's mostly spam designed to bump your own posts as in this long thread where you keep replying to yourself, or impolite harsh language designed to cheaply insult the users you interact with. You don't really contribute anything of worth for OWS or for this forum. You seem somewhat intelligent, it's sad that you waste your time and everybody else's time like this. To each his own I guess. I'll chalk it down to you being a disgruntled old man.
yeah-ya - that's me. angry old white guy syndrome.
why don't you go listen to some music
I was looking for Grace Potters 'I see a timing light' - not sure if that's the name of it, but I think it must be. Too bad. It would have been appropo.
run along
Alright. I'll let you get back to replying to your own self and to desperately bump your own post.
I do appreciate it.