Forum Post: The Right Steps To Prosperity?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:54 a.m. EST by gekko
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Abolishing the practice of creating money out of thin air, backed by nothing but computer screens, and charging interest on it (fractional reserve lending).
Dramatically stricter stipulations of the government’s ability to borrow and spend non-existant ‘credit’ from private banks and then paying the interest via taxpayer. Federal government must create their own legal money and lend it to the state governments interest free. The state governments must lend to private banks or directly to the people at very low interest depending the purpose, and any excess taxes generated must go back to the state reserves to be lent again (See North Dakota Banking System).
An end to all professional lobby groups that earn their living corrupting politicians, and implementing a system that thoroughly examines Congress’s monetary interests when making decisions and deals involving for-profit organizations. (i.e a separate watchdog group or commission overseeing Congress’s portfolios)
Ending the no-contract government in which two-faced politicians make promises to win voter support and then doing the very opposite after they have lied themselves into office (see Obama).
Limiting government to the principles of the Constitution only: no more intervening in markets and no more destroying our rights in the name of safety from their false flag terror attacks and propaganda (see 9/11 and every war since). Government’s primary function MUST ONLY be securing Property Rights, Contracts, the Rule of Law, and our Bill of Rights- no more and no less. This will dramatically lower taxes and spending as well as end the centralization of power in all areas of our lives, diversifying the power to the communities again to decide their OWN lives. This will also ensure there will be too many points of decision making power for any special interest group to control.
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