Forum Post: The richest one percent are a bunch of cowards. Every single one of them. They don't have the guts to acknowledge a single valid point.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 9:42 a.m. EST by Mcc
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
God damn it. You die hard conservatives and filthy rich pigs absolutely refuse to understand the following: First, that record high charges in health care, energy, and finance also mean record high profits and record high dividends. 1/2 of which are paid to the richest one percent. This causes more hardship and more concentration of wealth. At the same time, more financial aid in the form of welfare, Medicare, and Medicaid becomes necessary. Especially with those record high charges and profits. As even more wealth is concentrated, the lower majority go into debt and lose their relative buying power. This results in less demand, layoffs, and higher unemployment. This results in even more legitimate need for financial aid, a slower economy, less revenue, and higher national debt. It's a downward cycle tied directly to the relentless concentration of wealth.
I'm not making excuses for those who sit on the couch, make no attempt to find work, and sponge off the government. But God damn it. You die hard conservatives and filthy rich pigs need to stop being such cowards, open your god damn eyes, and finally admit that there is a downside as more and more wealth becomes concentrated.
The richest one percent now own well over 40 percent of all United States wealth. The lower 90 percent now own less than 10 percent of all United States wealth. This is true even after you account for all taxes, charity, and financial aid. This equation becomes more obscene when you account for nearly two trillion in consumer debt which is owed primarily by the lower 90 percent. Mark my words: this equation will get worse.
I have received quite a bit of negative feedback from you one percent club pigs. I must be doing something right. After all, you took time away from your money bath just for me. You might want to check your ass crack for soggy bills. In the meantime, let me just say this for the record:
I'm no expert but I'm no fool. I've been on this cause for a long time. I predicted this socio-economic crisis in writing 6 years ago. I'm aware of all the conservative and liberal talking points. If you plan to debate me, you better come up with something better than "the rich create jobs", "the rich pay more taxes", "the rich give to charity", "trickle down", or anything like that. I've had those debates many times. If that's your best, it's not good enough.
You can't intimidate me. You can't embarrass me. You can't make me feel uneducated, unintelligent, or otherwise insignificant. You can't confuse me. You can't divert my attention. You can't exhaust me and you sure as hell can't break my will. I know I'm getting to you because you're here with another lame psychological trick. You're here in an attempt to shut me up. It won't work.
I won't break any laws. I would never discredit the cause with a criminal act. But I'm telling you right now that I'm virtually impossible to stop. It's a big world and I have a lot to say. If you want to break my will, you're going to have to break my neck first.
If you pull a stunt like that, a lot of people will know what happened to me and why.
Now get out of my face. I have work to do.
The rich and famous do not want to be seen as 'pigs' or go down in history as 'villains'. They want to be seen as 'heros' and go down in history as 'humanitarians'. The market for their product has become global. The fan base has become global. Therefore, the 'humanitarian' effort and 'good will' PR machine has gone global. These 'huMmanitarian' efforts and 'good deeds' are not chosen to address the greatest need or injustice. They are chosen almost exclusively to appeal to the largest demographic for their respective commercial products. The largest fan base. Efficiency or effect is of little or no concern. Its all about PR, marketing, image, and fame. This is why so many of the rich and famous have taken up 'philanthropy' or 'good will' around the world. This is why so many have 'schools' or 'foundations' in their name. This is why so many play golf or appear on a TV game show for 'charity'. This is why so many sign motorcycles, other merchandise, or auction off their own 'personal effects' for 'charity'. This is why so many have TV shows with a 'charitable' gimmick. This is why so many arrange photo ops with wounded veterans, firefighters, or sick children. This is why so many have adopted children from around the world (Which they always pay others to care for full time. The hired professionals are sworn by legal contract to confidentiality. Not allowed to discuss or appear in public with the children they care for. Those 'photo' and 'interview' opportunities are reserved exclusively for the rich and famous 'adoptive' parents. Often sold for millions.). This is why every 'humanitarian' effort and 'good deed' is plastered all over the media worldwide. Its not about 'humanity' or 'good will'. Its all about marketing, image, fame, and PROFIT. This is why we are so often reminded of their respective 'good deeds' or 'humanitarian' efforts shortly before or after the release of their latest commercial product. IT IS A SHAM. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE HUMANITARIAN. GOOD WILL HAS BECOME BIG BUSINESS. is a non-profit charity watchdog. Others include and charity Of all the well rated charities (about 1500) only three are closely affiliated with celebrities. Michael J Fox (he is not the primary donor), Tiger Woods (he is not the primary donor), and Bill Clinton (he is not the primary donor). That's three well rated celebrity foundations out of 1500. THREE OUT OF 1500. That should tell you something. In general, celebrity foundations run like crap because they blow half the money flying around in private jets, securing five star accommodations, and hiring PR crews.
Don't even get me started on Jolie and Pitt.
Oh the hell with it. I'll tell you just a little.
Virtually every penny they have 'donated' has come from the sale of baby photos. The babies had no choice. The money goes to their own foundation first. Then later, a portion is donated to a a legitimate charity. Another portion is blown on private jet rides, accommodations, photo ops, and pr crap. They always schedule their transactions and photo ops to coincide with the promotion of a new movie.
The Make it Right Foundation took in over $12,000,000 the first year alone. Tens of millions overall. To date, the Make it Right foundation has helped 14 former families of the lower ninth ward in New Orleans move back into new homes. These families were not given homes. They were required to pay an average of $150,000 each. UP FRONT. That's tougher financing than any bank. The difference is offered in cheap loans or on occasion, forgiven.
That's 14 families total after 5 years and tens of millions in funding. Brad Pitt has never been the primary donor. He is nothing but a figurehead. Make it Right is the epitome of inefficiency. A God damn disgrace.
Celebrities suck. They are just like politicians. The only difference is that the celebrities have had more plastic surgery. THEY SUCK.
But Garcia isn't rich.
MIAMI ( – Florida is touting the new jobs it created Friday after a positive unemployment report. But based on numbers from all W-2’s filed in the country, the wages simply aren’t keeping up.
According to the Social Security Administration, 50 percent of U.S. workers made less than $26,364 in 2010. In addition, those making less than $200,000, or 99 percent of Americans, saw their earnings fall by $4.5 billion collectively.
The sobering numbers were a far cry from what was going on for the richest one percent of Americans.
The incomes of the top one percent of the wage scale in the U.S. rose in 2010; and their collective wage earnings jumped by $120 billion.
In addition, those earning at least $1 million a year in wages, which is roughly 93,000 Americans, reported payroll income jumped 22 percent from 2009.
Overall, the economy has shed 5.2 million jobs since the start of the Great Recession in 2007. It’s the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930’s.
Another word about the first Great Depression. It really was a perfect storm. Caused almost entirely by greed. First, there was unprecedented economic growth. There was a massive building spree. There was a growing sense of optimism and materialism. There was a growing obsession for celebrities. The American people became spoiled, foolish, naive, brainwashed, and love-sick. They were bombarded with ads for one product or service after another. Encouraged to spend all of their money as if it were going out of style. Obscene profits were hoarded at the top. All of this represented a MASSIVE transfer of wealth from poor to rich. Executives, entrepreneurs, developers, celebrities, and share holders. By 1929, America's wealthiest 1 percent had accumulated around 40% of all United States wealth. The upper class held around 30%. The middle and lower classes were left to share the rest. When the majority finally ran low on money to spend, profits declined and the stock market crashed. Of course, the rich threw a fit and started cutting jobs. They would stop at nothing to maintain their disgusting profit margins and ill-gotten obscene levels of wealth as long as possible. The small business owners did what they felt necessary to survive. They cut moreo jobs. The losses were felt primarily by the little guy. This created a domino effect. The middle class shrunk drastically and the lower class expanded. With less wealth in reserve and active circulation, banks failed by the hundreds. More jobs were cut. Unemployment reached 25% in 1933. The worst year of the Great Depression. Those who were employed had to settle for much lower wages. Millions went cold and hungry. The recovery involved a massive infusion of new currency, a World War, and higher taxes on the rich. With so many men in the service, so many women on the production line, and those higher taxes to help pay for it, the lions share of United States wealth was gradually transfered back to the middle class. This redistribution of wealth continued until the mid seventies. This was the recovery. A massive redistribution of wealth.
Then it began to concentrate all over again. Here we are 35 years later. The richest one percent now own well over 40 percent of all US wealth. The lower 90 percent own less than 10 percent of all US wealth. This is true even after taxes, welfare, financial aid, and charity. It is the underlying cause. No redistribution. No recovery.
The government won't step in and do what's necessary. Not this time. It's up to us. Support small business more and big business less. Support the little guy more and the big guy less. It's tricky but not impossible.
No redistribution. No recovery.
Look at this, oh you guardians of the immoral status quo, and despair. We know the numbers and they simply don't add up. You can't hide that with technicalities or clever rhetoric. Not anymore. We are not backing down.
Who are the 1%. Buffet, bill gates, Saudi Prince? Are we talking people worth billions?
Those people are in the top one percent of one percent of one percent of one percent. The one percent in America are worth a few million each.
If you consider the value of pension and social security benefits owed to the boomers as "wealth" then allot more than 1% of US citizens have a few million when you throw that in with the other forms of wealth.
The problem is these guys sold us out. They want us to keep paying into there ponzi sceem.
Proposed Manifesto for OWC:
“The Price of Civilization: Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity” Written by Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs
If occupy wall steet doesn't represent you in their claimed 99%, sign here.
If occupy wall steet doesn't represent you in their claimed 99%, sign here.
Actually, I would almost bet most of them are like protest? What protest?
There's an article in the Post today about how the major bankers ARE acknowledging points, mainly because they see OWS as a nice distraction for the crap they are doing.
16 Trillion dollars bailout,3.2 trillion lost at the pentagon, Nobody knows where the money is or where it went? Right! And the best part we the taxpayers get the bill at 5% interest..They loan the banks the money at 0.1% and loan it back to you at 5%..They do absolutely no goods or service for all this money and ship it to offshore accounts.Sounds like Treason and they are all accomplice and complacent..Charge them with treason,clean house and senate..Keep Kucinich,and maybe Ron Paul.. Go after previous adminstrations,Clintons,Bush,Rockefeller,House of Rothschild..who are in control of these economics..Seize the assets of all these people and there will be no more War..Distribute this wealth to all people of the world ,forgive the debt,which is a manufactured number anyway,and we will usher in an age of prosperity and peace,and bring back the Earth to her natural state,preserving;not destroying ours and future generations birthrite
You think it's only "conservatives" who are the richest 1%?
Hell no. There are plenty of rich democrats and liberals. But the act of concentrating millions in wealth without the slightest regard for the downside is a conservative act. Die hard conservatives will swear on their life that a rising tide lifts all ships. They refuse to admit that a tidal wave sinks the smaller ones. The very act of concentrating wealth is conservative. Rich people may differ on other views. But when it comes to big money, they are all conservative. If they concentrate millions in wealth and then claim to be liberal, they are hypocrites.
Didn't JFK say that ship thing?
Maybe. Don't know.
I know some rich progressives that are good people. Calm down.
If they are so good, let them in on the obscene concentration of wealth. Ask them nicely not to concentrate anymore until the masses gain a little equity. Let me know how they respond.
I hate to burst your bubble but OWS get's some of it's money from rich liberals.
You can't burst my bubble because I don't have one. I'm under no illusions. But when I refer to OWS, I'm referring to the protestors. Those men and and women out there trying to make a difference. Not those who use this movement for profit. You can't burst my bubble because I don't have one.
They (I) have absolutely no obligation to listen to an idiot like you.
Who do you prefer? Name your expert and I'll check his record on the last 5 years. Name your expert.
Nice way to continue to create a large divide in OWS and cast out those that would help enforce chance that could lead to real discourse on these topics. As it stands, as long as our government is busy selling out the American populous to the highest bidders - we cannot have meaningful discussion or change.
I am part of the 1%. I am part of OWS. I support this movement for reform. With that said, I staunchly oppose your view and your vehement attacks that cause a divide along ideological nonsense.
I understand that these record highs and record costs are a problem. But so is the notion of entitlement that seems to have swept up the American populous. Only a generation or three ago, when these people were my age - they saved for a house and pinched pennies to buy a car or a new television. They didn't buy something obscene, but rather what fit their budget. This dynamic has changed and people expect to walk out of high school or college to a 6-figure salary and a brand new BMW 5-series.
This "I deserve to have" x, y and z -- without earning it -- is assisting to skyrocket debt. Trying to point to one root cause is comical. It's a combination of factors.
This isn't to say that corporations don't have a nice spot firmly in the blame department. There is plenty to go around. But their blame comes solely at the ability to rig a process that we, the people, have allowed to be taken from us.
So, who is this primary culprit in this whole charade? Our politicians. The government is the foundation to the issues that have been built upon it. They have sold the American people up the river. They have auctioned the power of American political process to the highest bidder.
This cause of these issues isn't "wealth concentration" - it's amassed wealth being used to influence our political system. It's wealth being used to rig our system with legislation and loopholes that allow this wealthy segment to run our country and siphon power and wealth away.
Until you quit blindly pointing a finger at the wealthy - who do a lot for society and do pay more in taxes than the rest of society - we will never have a solution. It's the exploitation and legal bribery that is killing this nation.
Being wealthy is a freedom this country allows. It isn't a crime nor should it be. For the most part, these people aren't at fault - and would gladly pay more in taxes should there be reform and accountability to how this money is used. We should be looking at both sides of the budget equation in order to maximize the health of this nation.
Any ideology that only focuses on one side of an equation is doomed to failure. Unity and an amalgamation of ideas is what is required. In some cases more conservative, in others more liberal. Sometimes it will personally hurt to see our pet programs get shafted or our least favorite get promoted. But we need to audit this and actually have a non-partisan effort to evolve the process.
Again, you absolutely refuse to acknowledge the primary issue. The single greatest underlying cause. This relentless concentration of wealth and resources has gone virtually uninterrupted for 35 years now. That's half a lifetime. It started slowly in the mid '70's and accelerated under Reagan. It slowed under Clinton and accelerated again under Bush. Overall, its taken place under both Democratic and Republican rule. Now, it's at record levels. There is not one shred of evidence to suggest that it might reverse anytime soon. Not one shred. Its gone too God damn far. Period. Way too God damn far. That's not simple ideology. It's simple math. An absolute deal breaker.
I'm lower middle class but I'm OK with that. Its where I belong. Its where I feel comfortable. I have no dependents. I'm in perfect health. I'm doing fine. I'm not here for myself. I'm here for millions who struggle to make ends meet. Especially those who are trying to raise families under this record high cost of living. I'm not making excuses for their irresponsible spending habits but I am well aware of their hardship. Whats been happening for 35 years now is a profound injustice. An outrage. Meanwhile, you get even richer reducing their relative buying power in the process. I'm absolutely convinced that it's going to get worse.
So when you sit there and tell me that I should be willing to enter into a "meaningful discussion" with you, after 35 years of injustice from which you benefit and they lose, it's sort of like a rapist trying to negotiate with me over just how much my mother should bleed. The answer is 'no'. Stop concentrating so much God damn wealth. No? That's what I thought. Therefore, I have no choice but to persecute you and the rich in general until the lower 90 percent of Americans own a reasonable share of United States wealth. Until, you let go of your incredible greed. Until you have a little less and they have enough to get by in relative comfort. They God damn deserve it.
They did every bit as much as your bunch have to build this country. They built our roads, built our furniture, built our homes, taught our children, fought our fires, caught the criminals, picked up the garbage, fixed our cars, and fought our wars. Many gave their lives in the process. They God damn well deserve more than 10 percent of our nation's wealth. THEY GOD DAMN WELL DESERVE IT!
So don't you even try to negotiate with me unless you're willing to start with an admission that they deserve more than 10 percent of our nation's wealth. A lot more. If you are willing to admit that, then we can talk about 'growing the pie'. But don't even try to feed me some BS about a rising tide lifting all ships. It's not that simple and it never will be until you filthy rich pigs grow a spine and admit that it hasn't for the last 35 God damn years. Any growth must benefit the lower 90 percent more than it benefits you. A lot more. Otherwise, no deal.
I never said that the relentless concentration of wealth was the only factor driving up national debt. Of course, there are other factors. But if you are not willing to admit the COW as one factor, then you are a coward and a liar.
Of course, the corporations have rigged the system. But the corporations are run primarily by the richest one percent. Most members of congress are the richest one percent. Lobbyists, investors, bankers, developers, ect. All members of the one percent club. The motive is greed. Always greed. It's not the system. It's the people running the system. The rich. It's their motive. Greed. God damn spoiled rotten black hearted greed. Whatever takes to get more of our money. Whatever it takes to concentrate more wealth in their favor. Admit, that and maybe we can have a "meaningful discussion". No? That's what I thought.
The root cause sure as hell is the COW. Getting fatter by the day. The process in which that COW gets fatter. The intention to get fatter at our expense. GREED.
You're willing to pay more taxes? Enough to reverse the concentration of wealth for a few years? Bullshit. Your club lobbied for the current tax structure. Loaded with loopholes. Nothing but a room full of smoke and mirrors in which you get richer and the lower 90 percent get poorer. It's not the system. It's the people running the system. The richest one percent. Your club hired the corporate lobbyist. Not ours. Your club did do with one primary goal. To get even richer. To concentrate even more US wealth. To win the game.
If your club wants me to believe for one second that you want unity, then you must be willing to settle for less. At least until the lower 90 percent own a reasonable share of this nation's bottom line wealth. THEY GOD DAMN WELL DESERVE IT!
No? That's what I thought. No deal.
i feel your love through you pain, we stand together and face the beast, i will take your pain and pray. dude, the sword of david is strong, one year ago, we all would have thought this day would not come, im glad its here, im glad your on our side!
Those are deep words and I appreciate it. I'm ok. I just get really worked up over this issue. I'm glad to see so many people working on a similar cause. I would like to see some actual progress. You're right. It is a beast. I'm really worried about our future. All this tension, hardship, and worry over a damn economy. Something that would be great for everyone under the best circumstances. Instead, it's created record levels of inequality. It's begun to compromise the prosperity of an entire world. If we don't make some progress within the next few years, then it's going to get ugly out there. Thanks again for the deep words.
I do see riots in the near future and thats a shame. ive been at wells Fargo's throut for 2 years now fighting wrongful foreclosure. GUYS IM Winning in the court room. but it takes time and the devil is in the details. Mcc keep the post coming and others will read and grow strong!
I will but I also have work and I need sleep. I'll be offline for a few days starting Saturday. We need to keep informing others. This site has new visitors everyday. That's why I keep reposting the mini essays. It's become a competition for readers. So many irrelevant pages are being created. Sabotage efforts too.
ive seen that in the few days that ive been here. i cant go to ny to march so i donate, read and give encouragement to the true brothers sisters in arm, that can . but with faith and srtrong will we can help the ones that "GET IT " ive enjoyed your wisdom GET SOME SLEEP :]
I'm no expert. But anyone who does agree is welcome to repost anything I post. It doesn't matter who signs the effort. I'm going to save some nice entries here and repost them. The more angles we explain this from, the better. Whatever it takes to make people understand.
First, I wasn't implying a "meaningful discussion" between you and I. I was talking about the nation. As it stands now, the greed (of which you pointed to multiple times) is preventing that very serious and very important conversation. You and I can have discourse, disagreement and/or a complete universal understanding and agreement - and it won't matter one iota until we can get the money out of politics.
Until we can prevent the very people who make the laws and regulations in this nation to quit selling that process - there is not real discussion. It's lip service. It's pandering.
You and I can debate and discuss, agree or disagree - it doesn't matter. What does matter is the political system being bought and sold on a daily basis ... and the American populous is left further in the dust with each passing second. Rules are made to export American jobs each day (last week's Free Trade Agreement is a blatant example). Rules are made to create loopholes each day. Rules are made to allow corporations to gamble with our savings and retirement funds. Rules are being made that funnels our tax dollars to the richest people and corporations in this country.
Is concentration of wealth a problem? Sure, it isn't exactly a good thing, but the real underlying problem isn't this concentration -- it's that it is being used to rig the system and buy our political process. Concentration of funds is a problem, not because it is unfair, but because it makes the country live and breathe off the spending habits/desires of the few. Even if they don't mean to do it.
Concentration of wealth is the byproduct of any economic system. It is to be expected. It will happen. And no matter what barriers you put in place, it will happen again.
That isn't to say it's right, but it's the natural and expected effect of the natural order of life.
The real problem, AGAIN, is that this wealth is being used to corrupt our system to ensure more wealth. THIS is unnatural. THIS should be rooted out. THIS is the unexpected and unanticipated portion.
The issue to me is that people, much like yourself, demand a change in this paradigm. But then offer no real solution except government intervention which will just move the balance of power and money from one hand to another. It doesn't SOLVE the problem, just reshuffles it.
So again, I'm brought back to the issue of government. You're implying that the same people vastly responsible for rigging corporate America in favor of the people you decry should ride in and save us!! I admit that these people that have amassed wealth and rig the system are a problem. I admit that this unnatural rigging is the largest problem we face -- not the accumulation of wealth, but the rigging of our system to amass more wealth at the expense of everyone else.
Additionally, my issue is that you use words like "reasonable share". Who defines this? You? Me? Consensus? What is reasonable? What is fair? When does fair start and unfair end?
Anyhow, try to label me as you wish - but unless we unify to end the influence of the wealthy and the corporations and the unions on our political system by removing money from politics --- we will never begin to define fair or begin to heal this nation.
Let me put it this way.
You swear on your life that corruption in our political system is the egg the COW hatched from.
I swear on my life that the COW is the egg that corruption in government hatched from.
Maybe, it's a little of both. Either way, no redistribution. No recovery.
I think I'm more the final statement. It's a part of both.
COW is a natural byproduct of any economy that isn't fiercely over-regulated to the point of absurdity. And in that type of environment, the government would have a consolidation of wealth and of power.
Both corporations and the government cannot be trusted to do the right thing and must be policed by intelligent observers at all time. Left to their own devices they will be ultimately try to absorb power and money. Governments move to inefficiency and power consolidation while corporations move to greed and wealth consolidation.
In this environment today, they are feeding off of each other. Which caused which is a little "chicken or egg" for my taste.
What I will say is that unless we have political reform and take the money out of government that no real change or progress to changing the dynamic will exist. The reason I say this is that prior to this taking place the government is not serving the correct masters and as such cannot be expected to appropriately solve any issues.
All we can agree on is the corruption of government and Wall Street influence. Ok then. That's all we can agree on.
We definitely agree on that.
But what I cannot figure out is how you seem to think those that have helped expedite and influence this consolidation of wealth will be the ones to save us from the mess?
My point is simply that you have to stop the influence of money in politics before you can attack how to try to right the ship and ensure these problems don't happen again. Again, you can't have that meaningful discussion in the government right now because they are owned by those who profit most.
Damn right the government is partly to blame. But I just don't think getting the corporate influence out of politics is enough to solve the problem.
We also agree with that. Getting money out of politics is just step one, in my opinion.
What I've been trying to say is that before we accomplish that step - any meaningful discussion to resolving the next steps is just going to be lip service. They'll close a hole and say: "Look what we did for you! Go us!" and then open another hole in the name of 'job creation'.
After the people regain control of the political process - we can begin whatever steps are necessary to righting the ship and helping prevent running into another iceberg. Right now, the captain of the ship is responding only to the whims of those that are slipping money under his door.
Steve Jobs.....a 1% liberal. So if you see ANYONE at OWS using Apple products....have them removed from OWS now!
A very lame speech, bro... I ain't got time for whiners. And if you continue to use that G-damnit word you ain't gonna shine. Because we expect more from you.