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Forum Post: The Rich use More Government, Which is why they pay More Taxes

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 4:49 a.m. EST by EddieHawaii (8) from Honolulu, HI
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I have never understood the mentality of the poor (any non liberal who makes less than 350k) who continues to support the notion that a tax on success of the individual is somehow unfair. The purpose of the government is protect it's citizens and their property. If you own a building, home, etc., then you USE more government than they guy with only a MacBook and a Toyota. IF you engage in international commerce, you USE more government to ensure transactions are timely, fair, and secure. IF you are a successful doctor, scientist, inventor, you USE more government to make sure your practices are ethical, and your invention is patented and protected from copyrighted. I AM THE 99 percent. I use the roads, public transport, enjoy the security of the police and fire department, sleep well cause Obama and our troops are out there killing the fuck out of terrorist! I refuse to believe in Capitalism for the poor, socialism for the wealthy.

I have been force fed this notion that the wealthy pay more than their fair share. Well, if you use off shore banks, work in an industry that requires ZERO government oversight or regulation (I doubt most companies would pay any wages at all if they had a choice, seeing as how 75% of manufacturing jobs are in China where corporations do pay near nothing in wages and have poor safety and welfare standards for employees) then you have a legitimate argument that you are over taxed.

Stay to the streets my brothers and sisters. The American dream must not be deferred. Our voices will not be silenced!



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[-] 1 points by Uguysarenuts (270) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Aussiegal (7) 13 years ago

But Eddie Hawaii, it appears it's growing. Bit of media here. Definitely not in Murdoch press though and I usually only watch govt TV (ABC) & SBS and it will be on there. We are a bit more liberal (in the real sense here). Least I think so.

[-] 1 points by EddieHawaii (8) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

yeah, but that's just what brings in viewers. I wish this could be an occupation against the media. In america, they have painted the protestors as lazy and that's not cool.

[-] 1 points by EddieHawaii (8) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

The revolution will not be televised