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Forum Post: The Republicans fight for Anti-Abortion legislation

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 1:07 p.m. EST by fabianmockian (225)
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It seem quite ironic to me that the Republicans are so willing to vote of bills that basically reinforce existing laws pertaining to abortion. This fight makes it seem as if they really care about human life, but then you look at the other things that they seem to ready to oppose: President Obama's job act is not the answer that we need. It is not the answer that OWS seeks, but it is at least a step in the right direction. The Republicans oppose it even though it has the potential to save lives by providing those in need, not with hand outs, but an actual way in which to provide for themselves and their families. . . Hmmmm As a matter of fact, the Republicans seem opposed to anything that Obama has proposed, even when it originally came from them. Their entire tactic (feigned ignorance here) seems to be to want to destroy the economy even further than they have to date. How does this help save our nation? How does this save us? How does this save lives? Hmmmmm Does withholding disaster relief funding until spending cuts can offset this emergency money keep families from starving, freezing or dying of dehydration? Hmmmm Shouldn't their primary concern be to get this country back on its feet? Wouldn't a proactive approach save even more lives than a bill that only restates and upholds a law that already exists? Does life begin at conception, fertilization or some other point in the chain? Perhaps the bigger question is, did it end when Obama became president, because they don't seem to really want to help those whose lives depend on them taking steps to help this country. Now, this is no endorsement for the Democrats, even though they try to take credit for things they shouldn't (ie. the defeat of SB2/SB5 in Ohio, the reinstatement of "day of" voter registration in Maine). No, take this post for how it is intended: To express disgust in the party of 'NO' that claims to cherish life so much



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