Forum Post: The Republican party's 'defund Obamacare' disorder
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 27, 2013, 8:31 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
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The Republican party is not in a good place right now. They are historically unpopular (particularly House Republicans); they have no discernible governing agenda; they are under assault from their own supporters; they continue to say stupid things that upset key voting groups … and – guess what? – things are about to get even worse.
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Excerpt: Now, granted, if the GOP wants to knock themselves out (literally), who are we, as non-crazy and rational people, to stop them? Knock yourself out, GOP!
aAHhahahahaha stuck on stupid aHheeeeheeehee or is that ? addicted to Koch.....................
I thought it was witty! I like this: – a la Alec Guinness in Bridge on the River Kwai – and blow up the whole goddamn bridge.
Taking into account that it would be = and blow up the whole goddamn World - instead - and where in the Bridge over the River Kwai - his final choice was good - not so in the case of the GOP.
True that.
Whereas though if it was Boner saying blow up the whole goddamn GOP.. ..well then......"THAT" would be pretty awesome. As that would be in keeping with traveling from the dark into the light.
But only if he joined them.
Proper atonement - I like it {:-]) - keeps pace with the movies redemption of Sir Alec's dying he falls onto the plunger...............
I think there is something our little Libertopian monsters are afraid of.
Being reborn as cockroaches to start the cycle all over again?
Oooops - my bad - responsibility and accountability.
Oh, responsibility and accountability? They definitely shy away from that............par for course.
Damn ..... it really pisses me off .... but ...... that seems to be the objective these days . . .
so what - of course I did it but you can't seriously want to hold me accountable for it....
Plaintiff makes a good point - throw money onto the problem so that it is stalled and our plaintiff can give his direct employees and himself a generous bonus...........bang on the docket.............
There is no sanity. There are your leg humping Libertopians, the Teathuglicans, and those that have been bullshitting for so long that they wouldn't recognize the truth if it came up and kissed 'em on their lips.
Bush had a mandate plan, but it was for retirement insuranc instead of healthcare insurance.
Force the people into private retirement insurance. No option out, all ran by private interests. Its the same thing as SS now, except it was run by private, corrupted industries.
I suppose with the healthcare plane if you are making 25k each as a couple with a kid, and you cant afford to pay $80 per week, then you dont get insurance. But they still hit you on your tax return.
Thats one very disturbing aspect of this. Cant afford more costs? They are still going to take your fuckin money.
This is the same thing. I hate them both.
Of course thats what you think, thats how your brain has been programmed to function.
Gun point is a bit extreme. But maybe at least bringing Universal in for a vote would have been a good start. Maybe. I realize thats a lot to ask of a bunch of insurance company whorees, but I am a dreamer.
Boomers. Gotta love em.
For some reason Republican pundits forget that the Republican party is totally whored out to the insurance companies as well.
They nominated the guy who pushed it through before Obama the Dems ever got this stupid ass idea, Romney.
Anyone who thinks the Republicans are serious about defunding Obamacare are probably the same ones who think they are serious about cutting the budget.
The same ones who really have absolutely no clue whats going on in the bigger picture of things.
Its not a partisan thing. Its called a corporate takeover.
Nothing more than Dems complaining about the Patriot act, Gitmo and the wars in the 2000's, and now its just part of the system.
Pushing everyone into the insurance scam is going to be part of the system, the insurance companies arent funding both sides for no reason.
Dont worry, your glorious plan isnt going anywhere.