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Forum Post: The Reasons Why OWS Won't Work according to Trolls

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 2:05 a.m. EST by nuclearradio (227)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

War is Peace. More War equals More Saftey.

Ignorance is Strength. People who are College Educated are Weaklings and not Real Americans.

Freedom is Slavery. We can't Question the Current System no matter how bad it is, because Anything Else would Somehow be Worse.

Other Doublethink: Less is more. Deficits are wealth. Poverty is prosperity.



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[-] 1 points by r3b0rn (4) 13 years ago

This is great, I also believe that we are brought up so against disrupting the status qua that people think "oh well the governments fucked up and I mean its just the way it is." This is what has to change! We need to show people its not enough to say you support something by saying it, because hey when the chips are down I don't want any part of it! Why cant we stand for anything anymore and stand for it.

[-] 1 points by NadePaulKuciGravMcKi (6) 13 years ago

all creeds
all colors

[-] 1 points by StevenRoyal (490) from Dania Beach, FL 13 years ago

oceania has always been at war with eastasia

[-] 1 points by globengo (19) 13 years ago

pls send one ngo male-female couple to india in bombay at my home dr kamran khan cell 00919890414448 to boost this public cause from india i shall bear their all expenses in india and will provide them all facilities and security etc

[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago

No..Not really. Your plans won';t work because you're all just too stupid, lazy and violent. It's that simple

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Most OWS detractors question the system with much more depth that OWS supporters. That's why they are proposing solutions to the flaws they are finding in the system. You need to understand the system to understand how it can be fixed, and any system can be fixed or improved. On the other hand, OWS supporters are calling for a complete tear down of the system so it can be replaced by a new one. This is the type of thinking that occurs when you haven't questioned the system with enough depth. It is the easy solution.

A lot of people do this in their everyday lives. Their marriage doesn't work, so they throw it away and start with a new girlfriend which they think is perfect. Eventually, they realize she has problems too, then they throw her away. They buy a radio and when it breaks, they thrash it and get a new one, instead of questioning what the problem might be and if there is a fix. Etc... ad infinitum. Americans have fast food lives and like quick fixes. They don't like to take the effort required to understand and fix something, they rather throw it away and start anew every time. It's much easier.

The right way would be to analyze the current system in depth to see what the exact problems are and what laws could be implemented to fix those problems. We have to power to do this. Starting from ground up should always be the last resort.