Forum Post: The reality of our situation
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:14 p.m. EST by saulgoodson
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There are no options for the middle class. You either sacrifice exactly the amount of your life required by your employer, or you get out of the way of those who are willing to sacrifice theirs. You see, the dirty little secret of all this supposed high standard of living is that you don’t actually get to live enough life to enjoy it. It’s an all or nothing proposition. If you make 100K a year working 80 hrs a week you can’t just decide to make 50K a year and only work 40 hrs a week. For some reason it just doesn’t work like that. It probably has something to do with it costing a company more to have two people doing what one overworked, overstressed worker who dies shortly after retirement can do. Anyone who is not independently wealthy and has to work for a living knows this is truly how it is. The modern worker cannot afford the luxury of dignity and integrity. There are no laws to protect them. If your boss wants you gone, your gone. The reason matters not. They might simply not like the look on your face. They might not like that you have ethics and don’t want to cheat or harm people. Everyone knows anyone can be fired for any reason. If a person’s boss wants to single them out and figure out something for which to hold them responsible, they can do it. The employee will always be seen as the wrongdoer; the one who is not living up to expectations. Who will come to the aid of the unfairly ousted worker in this day and age. The co-worker? Yeah right, they have families too. The union rep? Sorry, we don’t really have those anymore, and we really never did in office work. The state? Wrong again. The state knows that if it messes with business too much they will just relocate to a more chattel-friendly area. So, what you end up with is millions of people with no rights and no power, completely and utterly controlled by other human beings with no options and no way out. This is slavery, and people are starting to wake up.
The difference between tea partiers and occupiers is not in the pain they feel from modern day life, but in their interpretation of the cause of that pain and in their ideas for alleviation of that pain. If you thought I was going to somehow equate the two movements and explain how they are both right in their own way, surprise! I think the tea party anarchocapitalists are fools and they have been tricked. They have been intentionally tricked by the business-government class into a sort of confusion between the problem and the solution. They bought into the oversimplified business as the engine of the economy argument and now they just won’t hear anything else. They have been convinced by hired gun propagandists like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity that the reason for our economic woes is too much regulation and restriction of this wonderfully powerful engine that would provide more than enough horsepower for everyone, if society would simply let the powerful business entities take complete control. The truth is that argument really does make a kind of sense. It’s not hard to see why people buy into it. As a matter of fact I actually like the analogy of business being the engine of the economy. Lets just think about that for a moment. Where do you find most engines? In cars, right? Out of everything that constitutes what a car is, what percentage of that would you say is the engine. 10, 15, 20 percent? The point is, a car has to have other things in order to function as a means of transportation, which is it’s ultimate purpose. It has to have seats, brakes, windows, tires, wheels, etc. We all see that, right? There is a reason we do not drive top fuel dragsters to work everyday. Yes, they have huge powerful engines that produce a lot of horsepower, but they really don’t accomplish transportation very well. A dragster only seats one person and its fuel economy is rated in gallons per mile. While it looks like a pretty bad ass ride for that one guy, it does nothing for anyone else, and it won’t even get out of site before it runs out of gas. Is it not perfectly obvious by now that we have a top fuel dragster economy? Is it not obvious that the people who own this economy are doing fine, while everyone else is either out of work or a slave to the work they have? It’s like this. You’re born. You live. And you die. It goes just that way for everyone, no exceptions. An economy is what we use for that middle part, the living, and it is not working for millions of people. I appreciate what the occupiers are doing and I think they are right. It’s time to turn this dragster into a Prius and let a few more people ride.