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Forum Post: The Real Work of Amending the Constitution

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 11:31 p.m. EST by amend0the0constitution (10) from Cripple Creek, CO
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The way out is to amend the national constitution and set term limits for legislators. Accompanied by limits on campaign contributions similar to what AZ and Maine have instituted, we're home free- Amending the constitution, that will take some real work. RE: citizens united- this is the website: http://movetoamend.org/areas-focus/move-amend/amending-constitution

Term limits is something the Tea Party advocates, therefore, likely to have mass appeal if both the TP and OWS agree. The only way to amend the constitution would be to convene state conventions (since legislators won't cut their own pursestrings) in 2/3's of the states and agree on the amendment, then it can be proposed. If 3/4 of the states approve (again probably via state convention), it is ratified. (Article V of the Constitution of the USA) The only way to create that much exposure is by TV. National level, big $$$. That's where Bruce Springsteen, Warren Buffet, Bono, Oprah and the rest figure in. Ralph Nader himself wrote Only the Superrich Can Save Us. Here's their chance.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by egarners (27) 13 years ago

Since our elected and appointed representatives violate their oath to obey and protect the Constitution, what makes anyone think that an amendment would change anything? Unless we put teeth into the violation of oath nothing good will happen. If the oath is followed, campaign finance would be a moot point.


[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

I agree, term limits on legislators. We can affect real change by working within the system. With our passion and the Tea Party organization, with the system that allows change both by protesting and by voting, we could see it happen. Now we need a few states to start it. Im thinking Arizona and Florida would be in.

To do it, OWS would have to produce 'leadership' to work with the Tea Party. I dont see that happening though, unless we're co-opted by the special interest groups claiming us, and producing one of their own leaders to speak for us.

[-] 1 points by amend0the0constitution (10) from Cripple Creek, CO 13 years ago

I think of OWS and the TP more as vehicles for getting the word out and then mobilizing numbers for something already in motion. What this country needs is something that can change the govt for the good of the people and unite us in something. I think the state conventions would have to be organized by a non-politically oriented party, say for example The Sierra Club. (even that may be too left for the TP) Framework, probably offices in every state, etc.