Forum Post: ¡The Real Problem for all of us¡
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 8:02 p.m. EST by tommietheturtle
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Inflation Calculator
If in 1911
I purchased an item for $1 US
then in 2011
that same item would cost: $22.92 US
Rate of inflation change: 2198.8%
I'm unhappy with the rise in candy bars
one country at a time!
One currency at a time
right inflation only effects the people who don't live paycheck to paycheck, but what about the majority of people trying too save money? their screwed right? I think we have an even bigger problem wich will arise, HYPERInflation this make all forms of money worthless, and the more i think about it the more i realize that if i had 100 billion dollars today i would want 100 billion dollars in one year, and so on never loosing money just value. and earning intreats which is siphoned offshore and injected into third world economies too developing nations and well own those countries in the future and own the currency giving me a pretty good investment for my billions. like a safe guard against inflation, allowing banks and government too use my tax-free money too build their country, allowing me to do whatever I want......and thats how its done!
High inflation devalues money over time. If you are earning money paycheck to paycheck like most Americans, then inflation has little effect. However, if you are investing or saving money over years, then it reduces those investments and savings.
This is a problem, but a much larger problem is that there is a huge wealth inequality in this nation, which has had more impact on more people for longer than inflation.
I know Thats why I posted this here since there the problem! haha and I meant 1913* same with social security. Social Security is a tax that the Fed Banks make us pay every year,(Its a Secured Debt) its very interesting that most of americans don't know that the only reason we have social security is too pay the Fed back. The Fed Owns the Us Dollar! (Federal Reserve Note) their the real Plague on Humanity, (i.e. WolrdBanc) in one way its nice too have bankers controlling money because they know what their doing, on the other hand its a disaster waiting too happen. I believe in the near future that our money will be different and I think we will have a state sponsored bank, for example in the future we will have a socialist economy, that economy doesn't grow as fast and stagnates like a pond, were a capitalist economy moves very fast and is like the ocean. my only debatable problem I have too offer is that Synthetic inflation was started with the FED Banks and it is used too control well in a nutshell, (THE WORLD)
If in 1811 you purchased an item for $1 US then in 1911 that same item would have cost . . . $1 US. Rate of inflation change: 0%.
Thank the Fed (created in 1913).
Not by accident.