Forum Post: The Real problem
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:28 a.m. EST by aceanibal
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
All wall street is a forum were people trade the ownership of companies. The real problem with this economy is not wall street, the problem is that the economic cal apse of 2008 gave an excuse for companies to fire a bunch of non profitable employees. Yes Business is doing great. The reason why is doing so great is cause they replaced these people with computers, robots, automation, and technology. So yes of course business is going to strive cause technology is 20 times better then human labor. Get a CLUE. So when we live in a world with electric cars, and solar panels to power our lives. We will not need human labor so get a clue and enjoy those unemployment checks!
here's a few examples of whats really going on: Red Box Online banking NetFlix Ebay amazon att GE ect
if you do not know how to work on technology: your worthless in your society Use your tuition waiver you get from your unemployment and go to school. if you feel like you are incapable of retraining yourself. Enjoy the handouts from our government.
end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class thats the occupy wall street message.
The Solution can be found in a man of unwaivering consistency for over 30 years!
Obama understands this is a transitional period. Ron Paul's world is fantasy and way too optimistic
The Occupy Movement is now Hijacked by Obama, JP Morgan, Soros, etc.
You are being used as tools for Obama's 2012 Campaign.
The Occupy Movement is now Hijacked by Obama, JP Morgan, Soros, etc.
You are being used as tools for Obama's 2012 Campaign.
Ahhhh Helloooooooooo ! Ass hole! If employees are not profitable, why the fuck would you keep them!
How fucking stupid can you be. Do think a business, ( like the one that I own) is a charity?
You idiot!
what type of business do you have cause if its a fast food place then ill give it another 10 years t'll mcdonalds is a vending machine and good luck trying to compete with that.
Not fast food. But it doesn't matter what Business I'm in.
If I'm in Business I'm providing something that that the people want and need.
Also, McDonalds will not be replaced by a vending machine. This shows how much you you do not know about biz
The McDonalds locations will not be replaced by vending machines. Why? First of all the individual units are franchised ..... meaning people. ( Not Corporations) own them. These people pay fees to McDonalads and that is their form of income as a company. You know to pay shareholders, salaries etc.
Additional the real estate that these franchisees occupy are owned by McDonalds and they generate income through rent as well.
So what are you suggesting? McDonalds will commit suicide and take their franchisees out and sell burgers through vending machines?
Are you still in Jr High? or just fucking stupid?
are YOU the one who's fucking stupid? SInce you're the one in business I bet you're in it for the profit not solely for the glory of providing a service to your community. Because if that's the case then don't worry about this website, you have better things to do. I can imagine that for the sake of profitability, progress and growth of your business if you are face with the decision to replace a majority of your employees by machine you'd be the first one to do it. Unless you want to be replaced by a large corporation (like in the case of what CVS did to local pharmacies). Get real please. If you own a business, you're a damn entrepreneur in it for the progress and growth of your business. And please, don't come back with some kumbaya shit about caring for the community or your employees and their families....what about YOUR family?
I want to help you out. You own a business. If your business is really succeeding like you say your are lets make it to an S. Corp. Let's take 51% of the equity in your business and sell it. That way we can raise a bunch of capital. Now lets expand. After we expand and we show a lot of growth. Sell about 10% more of your equity. Since is worth a lot now you can retire early.
on wall street there exist a mechanism to do this. don't fight it. Join it.
Ok your right I admit it. I'm an entrepreneur. God forgive me please.
For Investing my own money into the economy.
For providing jobs.
For donating a large portion for my profit to charitable causes.
For paying my disproportionate share of taxes
You are right I apologize to all of you! I am so sorry.
God forgives you. Now please...say something useful.
LOL but when an engineer decides to build a vending machine that has better quality food then mcdonalds and way cheaper. Then mcdonalds has no choice. Just like netflix had no choice!!! if not mcdonalds is out of business. ;(
Netflix? are you serious? You want to compare Netflix to McDonalds?
Do you know how to read a financial statement? what are you 15? Netflix is shit! McDonalds is a global empire!
Just like blockbuster and record shops were a global empire!
No they weren't. Your comment shows how young and Naive you are.
Quit school and get a job!
dude, you're a capitalist hypocrite. no other words to explain you. the only thing you can bring up is "jr high!" "quit school!" "you're naive!" WTF seriously??! Say something good you fuck. I really am interested in your point of view but you're beating around the bush.
Im not beating around the bush at all. What did you want to ask me?
I responded to a post thats all
We know employees are profitable. You are totally correct. I agree with you 100%. However, with machines, there is less liability and more productivity. Machines do not have feelings, machines do not get hungry, machines don't need 401ks, machines don't get sick, machines don't need 15min breaks every 3hrs...I'm not knocking your truth it's just that aceanibal has a very strong point man. We're going into the future of another industrial era
You called me a capitalist hypocrite. Didn't you? You called me stupid didn't you?
The real problem is the govt. Not Business! Most business is small biz like. Take your protest to the White House and get rid of the real filth. I'm not the enemy. But if you continue to make me the enemy, I will leave with all my marbles and you'll have to eat cake! And you'll have to make it yourself.
You don't have the balls to open your own business with this govt in control.
You're funny man. Ever heard of Forex my friend? You should give it a shot. I make money on the dollar you use to buy your cake mix. I'm a capitalist and I don't deny it. Shit. Do you know how good it feels to eat cheese and sip wine all day while the world goes crazy and you still make money regardless of what direction the market is headed. Save it man. I don't need to open up a business. I am the business.
You had the balls to open up a business because it's something you BELIEVED in and for that I repect your courage my friend but most of us believe that money growing in an account is enough. We don't need a brick and mortar. We need land and real estate that we can flip for a crazy profit in order to make us money. Not baking cakes. That's why there is Shake n' Bake.
Forex? Serious? and your on this site as one of the occupiers?
Occupier my ass. I could care less about settings on this panel. I just wanted to input my opinion. Money isn't happiness but guess what? It buys you the time you need to spend with your beautiful family and friends so you can strengthen and develop your relationships. Instead of working 9 to 5, I'll leave that up to my uncles that think "working hard (labor)" is the ONLY way of growing your assets.
Maybe you and I Have more in common than I thought.
Yes sir. There's nothing wrong with working hard (for the people that don't mind doing it, of course). You just have to be the smart leader and lead those people in the direction of their financial goals. Which are not very ambitious most of the time. Some people feel comfortable making 50K a year. Others know that this might not be enough to make a mark in your financial future.
that type of thinking is what got us in this mess. Your the problem
Lets just hope there's a system set up that we can all benefit from this type of structure and all own a piece of this business. Oh wait!! there is, and is located where? wall street!!! yea
It is ironic that most people want to work at the same time as we worship the technology that destroys jobs. USPS is a perfect example of the effect of technology and the jobs that will be lost. What we have to do is to redefine what a job really is and should be. Job sharing and a 30 or so hour week has to be a long-term option.
Hopefully we can also agree that the chinese is our servants. I have a chair from walmart that i paid 60$ for. its so comftorble. in the 1980's i would have paid about 400$ for this type of chair made in the US of course. Now I can go to walmart buy a chair a computer, food, with those same 400$ all on the backs of those chinese slaves. But americans are to spoiled to realize that. me on the other hand. I'm on unemployment playing xbox 360 all day on my comftorble chair. god bless america
It would not cost that much to manufacture all of that in the U.S. if we didn't have some of the most restrictive policies to prevent doing just that. Meanwhile countries like China do not follow such restrictions(including all the green ones), they are NOT our slaves, they are a rising, booming country, while we are declining. If anything we are their slaves paying for the boom. Then being stupid enough to borrow the money we spent there, to pay for our own stuff. Like your Xbox and oh so comfy chair, and that govt bailout or this one or maybe the next one.
I don't want that shitty as job building a chair. I rather build me a good old fashion robot to make me one thats what we need to focus on. I rather have people back in school learning how to do that then complaining on wall street. Have you been to china there is a us military base every other mile. we own that country. and trust me just when the debt is high enough we will cal apse this currency and introduce a new one i.e.;the euro. So who do you want to be the one hold the gun or the ones working in factories
Sigh, and that's why your unemployed? You want to build robots? You refuse to build a chair, but have no problem taking the money of someone else who built a chair? No I have not been to China, but I do understand that we have way too many military bases around the world, leaving us less able to defend ourselves at home.
lol i don't take the jobs out of people who build chairs. You do buy going to walmart and buying them.
my friend that is exactly what we need to do. instead of complaining.
hahaha you fail to mention the tons of Computer Scientists and Engineers that are laid off or can't find a job. My friend worked on the Space Shuttle engines and they are currently laying many people off. The USA is giving up on space exploration - China is now having more launches per year than the USA.
hahaha so yeah your theory doesn't really work.
I will develop the iPhone app that sends the taxi over. But what are we going to do when the taxi drivers are out of business? Protest?
and FYI space exploration is like a hobby, not needed in our society. use your skills to develop a taxi service fully automated by GPS with no driver. You will be doing alright!
Space exploration has led to many discoveries some material, some scientific, some medical. I think overall it is a worthy endevour, as it has provided many returns.
good point!
Yea but is cyclical unemployment not structural , google that.
This unemployment cycle has lasted more than 3 years. It may as well be structural unemployment.
Here's IBM laying off employees in 2009
Here's IBM laying off employees in 2010
if IBM was not losing money they would not have to cut cost by moving jobs overseas.
IBM is loosing but google, intel, apple, are striving same type of jobs but these companies do it better. something we would never know if wall street never existed
Look is easy to complain but we need to except that technology can solve all our problems. heres a link of a robot that builds itself. along with millions over other things. What will we do then?