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Forum Post: The real location of power and why politicians make choices. Aka living with a congressman.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 9:20 a.m. EST by Differentlyabledandyoung (1) from New Hempstead, NY
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I cant see why people are confused as to why occupy wall st is happening where it is. The people organizing this enormously empowering movement realize why politician usually make their choices. I have an interesting insight on a politicians life due to the fact that I lived with a democrat who used my homosexuality to further his approval with his gay supporters in nj and received an award from the garden state equality group but at the same time this man was cruel enough to kick me out of his house while I was on chemotherapy and just about rip and thankfully my mother got a divorce. The moral of the story is not many politicians are what they seem and it takes a certain amount of arrogance to get to that position of "power" in the first place). Wall street is the perfect place to protest. To protest is to agitate till someone listens and we the 99 percent are now bothering the right people, the people who donate to and control the politicians and the biggest contributors are right there in my beloved NYC.



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