Forum Post: The Purpose of this Protest
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 3:45 a.m. EST by Traverse
from Lawrenceville, GA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I can not boast to have any incredible solution to the many problems we face, but I believe that with a fuller perspective we can easier identify the source of our discontentment. So many have gathered, greatly with little more ensight than, "something is wrong." The level of injustices are ultimately identifiable on so many levels that it has required no grand event to spur or to feed the continuous support of this protest.
I believe that it is immediately as simple as that stating; something is wrong. There are two main designations between thought and actions as we percieve them- good and bad. This perception is a gift of our consciousness, and our ability to discern the difference is our conscience. When moral obligation is entirely separated from legal proceeding, the government becomes controlling and power hungry. In a society where only those who desire power can attain it, naturally those positions of power will be abused. As moral consciousness (an awareness of our conscience) is replaced by our desire to progress, ability + gain vs probable repercussion becomes the guiding equation, and naturally the greater power and influence you hold the less tangible those repercussions become... until the people being led are suffering most.
Abortion has caused much distress, and it shouldn't. With the primary pro life arguments being moral standpoints and the primary pro choice arguments being defences for womens rights, it is unfortunate that in a country where basically 2% of the population wait for sex until marriage (and even then can't seem to stay faithful) abortion has established itself as a necessary practice. This is an example of an immoral institution due to immoral choices (this particular choice being more a spawn of the majority of people).
I do not preach any religion, although the great majority imply a sense of moral establishment in our lives. Religion is our answers for how and why we came to be on this earth, government is nothing more than our answers as to how we should coexist and maintain ourselves during that existence. If morality is the guiding factor of religion but we remove morality from government, we are contradicting ourselves. It does not require a religion to set moral standards, nor does it take a pope to live by them (and as that position even can become corrupt, never put it past any establishment to be unable to see past its own coffers). I cannot identify an individual to blame or a problem to solve...but immorality is an unchecked issue. If everyone was concerned with the well being of their fellow man, and we all strove to do and be the best we could, we'd all be doing fine. We certainly wouldn't be protesting.
The purpose of the protest is to show discontent with how Wall Street, our politicians ,and the corporations have sold out the world economy for their own personal enrichment.
Please fix this giant wall of text and use appropriate punctuation. Right now you're not helping the movement gain legitimacy.
If the purpose was merely to express a feeling of discontent, we could just write a letter. I think a mass gathering of bodies implies a call for change of some sort.
On that note, I'm certainly not CHALLENGING the movements legitimacy- in fact, I'm certain that despite anything I say or do, there are people in the streets right now. If it was as easy as posting poor forum topics to discredit this movement, then it could be no one but the protestors at fault.