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Forum Post: The Pulpit of the Presidency...failure to represent the people..break the chain of chains!!!

Posted 10 years ago on Aug. 9, 2014, 11:34 a.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Sometimes presidents confuse being Commander in Chief of the army with being a commander of the people and they forget we are the commander of the president. They are merely elected to execute and represent the will of the people. A president's main job is to shift the propaganda of the nation to what they were elected on...the power of a president was to be limited. We rejected the bush propaganda of CEO wishes and multinational conglomerate caviar dreams and unprecedented power grabs to the executive seat and the majority of us wanted to see it shift...georgie boy did his job...and did it well he shifted propaganda for generations to come...we elected obama to be a counterweight!!

Isn't the president really nothing but a PR agent for the voting populous? sooo..there is no such thing as a lame duck president...

Obama is not performing his duties nor fulfilling his role...a president has the pulpit and power to take over the airways...Roosevelt did this and did it well.

Obama was supposed to be the anti corporate president and instead has found a way to fit the corporate agenda and merge it with what the people mandated...

This is treasonous half- assed deception at it's finest...

We do not want to negotiate with corporate terrorists, we do not want to compromise, we do not want a caste system, and yet there he is up there using his pulpit to convince the populous that we must find ways to bend and live in the corporate system and settle for being exploited and having our way of life altered into a feudal caste system...

Obama is failing we elected him not to propogandize and water down our voices we elected him to stand as a beacon for the ideals that we want to see upheld...this does not include a half assed system of amnestizing people to be exploited for below minimum wages or outsourced slavery to despotic regimes...or publicizing debt and privatizing profits...

The job market should be on the people's terms ...we don't need more subsidies we need our fair playing field..anti trust laws upheld and strengthened an audit of the FED reserve and an end to outsourcing offshoring, corp tax loopholes, and derivatives trading...

We are in a swimming contest wearing cement shoes and obama wants to give us floaties? Is this what we asked for? Is he fulfilling his pr duties on our behalf? Because isn't this historically really what a president is? A pr agent /REPRESENTATIVE for the people who elected him...and is he offering us floaties while he fills up the pool with sludge while the rich and corporations are standing on top of our backs leisurely enjoying champagne and caviar while we stagnate in their detritus. Should we wait until they take off in their parachutes and our floaties give way and we drown...or do we shake them off our backs and pull them into the water?

If you agree with this copy and send to our president...to speak up on our behalf and use his power to represent the ideals of the people he was elected to represent.

Add to that..No more bail outs no more corporate welfare...NO MORE CHAINS!!! one family in massachusetts owns 74 stores and makes 10 million dollars a day... take this microcosm and imagine instead 74 individual store owners competing for profit unable to price set and 74 families generating their own reliance and wealth...chains are killing our economy and creating a caste system that also sets prices high instead of being lowered to compete. Research the Market Basket situation when one family sells 74 stores they put 25000 people out of work or cut their pay and benefits as opposed to one store.. how many more neighborhoods can squeeze in another CVS or some other mega chain... looming over the neighborhood like an ugly red and tan tower...we need to break the chain of chains once and for all!!!!!



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[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

No more bail outs no more corporate welfare...one family in massachusetts owns 74 stores and makes 10 million dollars a day... take this microcosm and imagine instead 74 individual store owners competing for profit unable to price set and 74 families generating their own reliance and wealth...chains are killing our economy and creating a caste system that also sets prices high instead of being lowered to compete. Research the Market Basket situation...and think of how many more neighborhoods can squeeze in another CVS looming over the neighborhood like an ugly red and tan tower...we need to break the chain of chains once and for all

[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

the old guard is following an outdated system