Forum Post: The provocateurs will certainly start popping up soon trying to incite violence. The plutocrats know that violence would turn off most Americans &hurt the movement - Here's how to deal with them non-violently and add even more supporters of the movement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 6:54 p.m. EST by therising
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Kindness and forceful active non-violence are both paramount. We MUST remain non-violent. Expect provocateurs (minions of the 1%) to attempt to incite violence for the plutocrats know that will help them easily bring down the movement. If you're near when one of these jokers pulls a stunt, please encourage everyone to sit right where they are and say "This person is not one of us. We are non-violent." Then the provocateurs will look like fools that night on the network news and we'll have even more sympathy from across America. Violent regimes like the 1% whose only bottom like is money will do anything to retain their power and ill gotten gains. But they don't have a clue how to deal with non-violent active resistance. Anything they do just looks mean on TV when they're doing it to peaceful protesters. Keep an eye out. These provocateurs won't be police. They'll likely be from private security firms so they'll be very smooth operators, very good at blending in. We won't be able to stop them. What we can do is control our reaction when they strike. We need to practice the above reaction so it becomes second nature. Make no mistake. The provocation is coming. Peace, calm and love are our fuel. We must remain true to non-violent principles. Please spread the word to all you know.
Sit. EVERYBODY NEEDS TO SPREAD THIS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. I am not on the front lines, but this is THE most important post I have seen. If you are on the front lines or about to speak, make sure to forward this message to your entire network! I am doing it now!
"Peace, calm and love are our fuel". ABSOLUTELY! It's a discipline. Small wonder that followers of Gandhi and Martin Luther King spent so much time training, meditating, praying, doing group therapy... Not hitting back goes against our reptilian-brain conditioning, so you really need to grow and that can only be achieved through love.
The "agents provocateurs" are most certainly already there among you. Be aware. Seek training in non-violence techniques from people who walked with Dr. King.
Blessings on your sacred mission. You are in our prayers. YOU ARE THE TRUE PATRIOTS.
Totally agree. King and Gandhi and their supporters succeeded in a huge way because they understood the power of non-violence and remained true to that principle. Individuals in their movements consistently and regularly "refreshed" themselves through what they sometimes called "self-purification". Simply put, they checked their motives, made sure they weren't reacting from a place of fear, hate or revenge. None of those has any place in our movement of course. Those will weaken us. Instead, we should embrace each other, love each other, even love the opposition so much that we act out of a sincere desire to "set them straight" as King put it. This is why King said people in the civil rights movement had "a spirit that dogs can't bite."
We too have that spirit. We have shown that in a remarkable way already. We all should be very proud that we have remained non-violent and we should practice that "self-purification" each day to make sure our automatic reaction to violence and provocation is calm peace. Make no mistake. We will create tension. We will use force. But our force will come from the power of non-violent provocative tactic.
In this way, our movement will follow the path that Gandhi described: "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win."
Smile. We're about to win. All of us. Not just he 99%. Let's not stop there. Let's get get to a 100%. A new way of life. Imagine it.
Yes, smile... and leave the rest up to God, or Life if you prefer.
Quite true, in the past, one-half of the poor have been hired to fight the other half of the poor (being deceived by money), but we need a comprehensive strategy that implements all our demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – myself – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
The reality is that the protesters have been trying to force a confrontation with police. They were arrested in Boston, arrested in New York. They purposely created a line and marched towards the police.
What side are the "provocateurs" really on?
"Plasmastorm". I wish you well. I hear what you're saying and see how making statements like this could give you some enjoyment. However, since you're presumably part of the 99% of the country that isn't a plutocrat, I would encourage you to consider trying a different approach. You can get an even bigger thrill from putting your energy into this
use social media at every oppertunity only buy documenting the whole movement and shareing data with parties can this be tackled
this is a weakness in the model the power is within but within is exposed
When a non-violent movement comes up against a violent power, the non-violent movement loses the moment they resort to violence.
We need to spread the importance of Satyagraha far and wide.
keep your cameras ready
He who has the most cameras wins. And we have about 5,000 times the number of cameras they do. :)
only if we remain non-violent
This is so very important. Nonviolence is paramount.
Yes. Definitely . Definitely
Another good way to stop provocateurs is to use Guardian Angels tactics that are used in policing neighborhoods. Swarm around the provocateur, stare them down. Don't instigate anything. Just surround the provocateur and stare them down. All eyes on them. Best of all, there's no violence, just the provocateur being exposed to many many people in a very humiliating situation.
It's a very very effective method, used against criminals, gangs, and many neighborhoods have used that simple technique to remove criminal elements.
This is true. The Black Panthers did this in the last Presidential election and it worked wonders. Although they were staring down voters, instead of troublemakers.