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Forum Post: The protesters need to EDUCATE the other 99% of what they really want... and there is one presidential candidate....

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 7:50 p.m. EST by Snoggles184 (19)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

... that realizes the problems of today. The financial crises have been spoken about and foretold by one particular candidate. The only reason he hasn't been elected is because he is not a moron puppet like Bush or Herman Cain.

By having protests with no aim towards changing the future in a positive manner, protesters should engulf some knowledge of the candidates of the next election. They should look at the candidates - look at which ones would change their country and affect the country in a positive manner that has not been seen for a long time.

Obama has lied over and over about his policies. Obama has not stimulated any growth, he has instead followed in the footsteps of the Bush administration.

Instead of looking towards the LEFT or the RIGHT for your answers, perhaps LOOK AT YOUR CANDIDATES. Ron Lawl speaks for what the 99% wants. Ron Lawl has logical solutions and has been right about the faults of the governments of the past 20 years. He would bring the spending under control, bring our economy back up, making jobs, lower taxes and stop tax waste. He would treat our tax money like we want our President to do. He has been saying the same thing. RonPaul has been warning us about our top issues for over 30 years while everyone laughed and mocked him but their paying attention not because everything he warned us would happen is now happening. It's a shame the American public is too IGNORANT to do some research.

The 99% is to blame for running this country to the ground for electing puppets like the GODFATHER of idiots, Herman Cain.

Look into a man of integrity that matches his intelligence.


EDIT >>> How ridiculous that his name gets defaced. -_-

Ron_Paul 2012! Change America's government for the better to destroy corporate ownership.



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[-] 2 points by WatTyler (263) 13 years ago

How can anyone assert that electing this person or that to the presidency of a corrupt and failed system is going to fix ANYTHING?

[-] 1 points by twotone48166 (8) from Monroe, MI 13 years ago

your right thats why we need to work together as the 99% to fix it ourselfs

[-] 1 points by twotone48166 (8) from Monroe, MI 13 years ago

I'm not going against Ron Lawl, I'm just saying that it's going to take more than just him getting into office to fix whats wrong....yea thats a great first step but he still is going to need to the support of congress, which is being bought off everyday

[-] 1 points by Snoggles184 (19) 13 years ago

Great song. Now what is your personal protest platform? I guarantee you Ron Lawl's platform will be absolutely agreeable to you. But perhaps you are better at singing then reading.


[-] 1 points by twotone48166 (8) from Monroe, MI 13 years ago

No one person can really do anything to fix all the problems our country has. it will take us all to come together as one to get what needs to be done done...here is a pretty moving song that has a strong message that fits well with what im saying......

Nature nurture heaven and home Sum of all and by them driven To conquer every mountain shown But I've never crossed the river

Brave the forest, brave the stone Brave the icy winds and fire Braved and beat them on my own Yet I'm helpless by the river

Angel, angel what have I done I face the quakes, the wind, the fire I've conquered country,crown, and throne Why can't I cross this river

Angel, angel what have I done I face the quakes, the wind, the fire I've conquered country,crown, and throne Why can't I cross this river

Pay no mind to the battles you've won It'll take a lot more than rage and muscle Open your heart and hands my son Or you'll never make it over the river

It'll take a lot more than words and guns A whole lot more than riches and muscle The hands of many must join as one And together we'll cross the river

It'll take a lot more than words and guns A whole lot more than riches and muscle The hands of many must join as one And together we'll cross the river

Puscifer - The Humbling River

[-] 1 points by Snoggles184 (19) 13 years ago

Because RonPaul wants to change how the government is run. He wants the government dissected and to put an end to big government. Paul wants to change the system that is corrupt and does not work. He vows to abolish the way the government allows itself to extend its hand into issues it really should have no control over like same-sex marriage, stem cell research or abortion.

By creating a smaller government, spending would be lowered. There are far too many federal agencies that cause a bureaucratic nightmare. The Federal Reserve is what he describes one of the major cause of inflation and subsequent recession. The government should NOT have the power to bail out large corporations with OUR tax money. He wants to abolish the electoral college which is a decrepit system that does not truly represent who America wants to be elected.

RonPaul does not support the current system and will do everything possible to change it.

@WatTyler > I mean... simply calling the system corrupt and failed is great and all because you realize that something is wrong... Everyone realizes that. But what you fail to see is that protesting and angering the other 95%with your protests by having no real platform for your protests is rather ignorant. Unify and produce someone with a voice rather than having a million voices that do not get heard. Politicians once listened to your voices but if you do not attempt to find one that does then you are worse then the people that elected Bush.

Perhaps you should look towards a REAL candidate to solve your problems and open a line of communication with that man.

[-] 1 points by willrosswriter (69) from Crystal Lake, IL 13 years ago

Sure, if Ron Lawl wants to spend his days camping in the park he can certainly JOIN.

But no, we don't need a leader, thanks. It puts that person's politics on all of us.

[-] 1 points by Fixamerica69 (2) 13 years ago

RonPaul and OWS agree on foriegn policy. We shouldn't be the World's police.

RonPaul and OWS agree on crony capitalism and that it is bad for our democracy. We agree that money dictates policy in DC and we are sick of it.

RonPaul and OWS agree on corporatism and we are all anti-corporatists.

RonPaul and OWS agree that the US should not be bailing out foreign banks and domestic corporations. That the government should allow companies to run separate from the government.

RonPaul and OWS agree on the JOB KILLING FREE TRADE..aka corporatist trade policy. And that we should have fair trade policies that benefit working Americans, not transnational corporations bottom line.

There is alot of agreement. And that is where we should focus, on the agreements, not the disagreements. But the problem is that RonPaul does not connect well with the youth. Republican doesn't necessarily mean status quo, Herman Cain and Mitt Romnet are for the status quo.

RonPaul shows up as Ron Lawl proving that the site owner does not care about personal liberties.

[-] 1 points by twotone48166 (8) from Monroe, MI 13 years ago

Is it just me, or is his name Ron Lawl not Ron Lawl

[-] 0 points by JohnnyGuy01 (36) 13 years ago

Ron Pa.ul is 145 years old.

[-] 0 points by dessert567 (5) 13 years ago