Forum Post: The problem with the voting system
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 12:32 p.m. EST by precipice
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We have been convinced by the media and the two primary parties that we can only have choice "a" or "b". If we vote third party "c", to send the message that we don't accept "a' or "b", then our vote goes to waste. Like it was said elsewhere on this site, elections are winner-takes-all...
Nobody ever counts the "non-votes" and correlates them as dissatisfaction with the current candidates. We need a clear way of sending a proof positive message that we are dissatisfied with the current candidates/elected officials and the way they operate. If you don't like the candidates on the ballot, what do you do?? Today, many people don't vote at all, because they have no one to vote for that truly represents their interest...
If the 99% is comprised a great deal by people that don't vote because they essentially have no one to vote for, then they need an alternative. They need to be encouraged to write in their own personal name. Then the results of an election will show proof positive that candidates "a", "b" and "c" all got a small percentage of votes, but when the majority of votes cast represent individual voter write-in names, it will illustrate that none of the "a, b, c" candidates were accepted by the voters. No one wins the election...
This should force the candidates "a, b, c" to cater a little more toward the needs of the 99%... right?