Forum Post: The problem with the economy today. Defined in the new math.
Posted 10 years ago on Aug. 16, 2014, 10:15 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
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1 > 300,000,000 or more.
The economy was never adjusted to meet the exigencies of the new math.
So of course - Economy = TANKED
It is no ones fault.
I'm thinking that to get back to prosperity that -
1) 1 has to be removed from the statement - along with >
2) 300,000,000 has got to be redefined as equal ( = ) to 300,000,000
This shift of equivalence should make a radical change to flow/circulation. Equating to health.
The new old math. YAY.
The new old math sounds pretty radical. 1 =1 ? WOW - what a concept. Can that be applied upwards? 2 = 2 ? or 1 is 1/2 of 2 ? Or 7 billion is equal to 7 billion? Is this correct? Fascinating. HUH - weird - equivalency seems to have equivalency in this NEW old Math. Does this work elsewhere - as in other than economics? Surely it is just fantasy - yet - it seems - well - kinda - RIGHT?
How would this affect the stock market?
Well - hmmmm - it would make it a more solid proposition?
But what about the magical mystery investment tour?
I am thinking that the loss of the mystery ( as to outcome ) would be an overall good thing - Hey?
Equivalency equivalency - hmmm - could this have other applications?
Like what?
Oh I don't know - ummmm - how about pay?
Sure - gender pay - equal pay
Wow - now - "THAT" - is radical!!
Equivalency - huh - is this a communist thing?
No - OH HELL NO - I mean if you mean like actions of Russia/Soviet Union or China or some such - then NO.
NO - stop right there - equivalency is nothing more than EQUALITY - And don't you think a dollar should be worth a dollar? - whether the dollar is invested or is changed from one hand to another in a purchase at the store - don't you think that that dollar invested or used for immediate purchase should be valued the same? 1.00 = 1.00
wall street ( currently ) is operated much like an opium den. Give em your money and ............. sorry no wait ....... ahhh . . . . OK - wall street is kinda like an opium den - except they fill your head with all kinds of wild dreams - prior - to taking your money. I think that I would prefer the real opiate - rather than the bogus - non-intoxicated BS and subsequent flushing of money.
DKAtoday @DKAtoday · 49s
Are You into the new Math? … Or perhaps the Old Math of Equivalency. You know - new is 1 > 300,000,000 million or more