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Forum Post: The problem with our corrupt government isn't as clear as Quid Pro Quo

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 10:56 p.m. EST by aazarkan (2) from Seaside, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As many of the political minded people of this fine website and others have tried to point out, we have a corrupt government. This is certainly an opinion I carry myself. I just want to point out that it isn't quite as clearly seen or detectable as a lobbyist or special interest group giving a politician or political group money and then saying "Now here is what I want you to do for me..."

The problem is far more manipulative and difficult to detect than that. All parties involved are working within the confines of what is legal and because of this something such as Quid Pro Quo is not used. No, instead, the lobbyist and special interest groups are bending the politicians thought process by creating a relationship with him that the politician comes to depend on. This is done by the politician receiving gifts and/or campaign funding. On a subconscious level, this creates a feeling of owing the person who provided the gift a "favor" very similar as if a friend bought you a birthday or Christmas gift. You would not feel right, nor would it do the relationship well if you did not reciprocate the "present."

This is what is used to create the influence. Campaign funding and how it works is a large part of what needs to get reformed, perhaps more so than Wall Street. What has allowed Wall Street to become unregulated over the last 30 years is more of a symptom of a much larger problem. Campaign spending has increased exponentially (Ironically, no thanks to things such as the dawn of the internet and thus internet campaigning, amongst other reasons). This increase in spending has created an opportunity for the lobbyists and special interest groups to increase there influence in Washington.

The reality is that until campaign reform happens, we are doomed to only get worse. The wealthy will continue to be able to control our government while the money is able to create more influence. Our Representative Democracy was designed for the politicians to rely on the public and thus look for the public's best interests. Unfortunately, thanks to modern day campaigning, the politicians rely on funding and thus they rely on only those with money. This creates a situation where the politicians are looking out more for those they fund their campaign.

Until we are able to disconnect those with money from campaigning and thus the politician, it won't matter who is put into office as they will be voted out of it without proper campaign funding. What does everyone think?



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[-] 3 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

Those of us who think at all agree whole-heartedly, and comprehensive campaign finance reform has always been at the top of the list for goals and/or demands.

I thought you were going to go one step further. For example:


Or the academic version:


Summary: "House of Representative members 'earn statistically significant positive abnormal returns [from the stock market],' outperforming the market by 6 percentage points. Senate portfolios 'show some of the highest excess returns ever recorded over a long period of time, significantly outperforming even hedge fund managers,' with gains that are 'both economically large and statistically significant.' They beat the market, my friends, by 10 percentage points a year."

Which is why I, personally, have also advocated for disclosure of Congress' personal finances for themselves and immediate families. But I am perfectly comfortable demanding that government representatives enjoy less privacy protections than citizens. Maybe some others aren't.

[-] 1 points by aazarkan (2) from Seaside, CA 13 years ago

I completely agree with you. I didn't go that far because I honestly did not know of this. Thank you for furthering my awareness.

[-] 2 points by e307465 (147) 13 years ago

I 100% agree with you. I would definitely throw term limits out there as well. We wouldn't want someone getting too comfortable (with lobbyists) because they have made a career of it.

[-] 1 points by aazarkan (2) from Seaside, CA 13 years ago

Term limits would be partially effective. The other problem is that Congress people are working for our government and then when they are done, they often turn into the lobbyists themselves to earn significantly more money.

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

Shut up

[-] -1 points by SirPoeticJustice (628) from New York, NY 13 years ago


I have been kicked off this website, with my account deleted three times, and have had my IP address blocked once, for speaking the truth outlined below.

The RAPE of the PEOPLE by their government !!!

People are stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid! You have to understand that. It is nothing against them. It is not all their fault they have been 'socialized' to TV, ignorance, and believing the messages put out by big corporations. A lack of actionable facts and a slew of disinformation intentionally put out by media sources run by the very corporations that are bullying and buying our government.

The list of largest corporations only includes the LEGAL companies. What about all the ILLEGAL corporations That have TRILLIONS of dollars. Enough money to have their own subs they run from south america to the United States full of drugs. What about the Mafia, Yakuza? What about other black market corporations selling kids into sexual slavery. The market for human trafficking (slavery) is the 3rd largest industry in the WORLD!!! In other parts of the world, especially parts of Asia, sexual slavery is not seen as taboo. It is a 'respected' way to make a living. If even one child is sold as a sex slave it is too many! What about the adoption market, where agencies 'sell' the kids at a profit and give the money to the original parents. What about the black market for live human organs. Do you want this nonsense IN THE UNITED STATES? The more global the world becomes, the more everyone else's problems become OUR problems. If no nation is an island, these activities will (and do) encroach on the homeland of our nation and our people. TAKE BACK YOUR GOVERNMENT!

Don't even get me started on the Vatican.

Fuck your petty problems and UNITE to get the nation on track. We need to put the CROOKS IN JAIL NOW.

You are missing the big picture. This nation is no longer a nation of citizens. IT IS A NATION OF SPECIAL INTERESTS COMPRISED MAINLY OF CORPORATIONS. All sides of a debate represent a corporations agenda. Our pure ideals get co-opted the moment we Begin strategizing how to move forward. You are naive as hell if you think this whole thing wasn't designed to be an answer to the Tea Party. Obama gave wall street everything they wanted his first term in the form of the bailouts and representation in government. He asked for bipartisan effort. They scoffed and laughed in his face when he attempted to raise taxes on the (((1%))). So Obama and his cronies came up with the idea OCCUPY WALL STREET. Here is the important thing - CUT AND PASTE THIS AND KEEP RE-POSTING IT. Get the truth out there for the truth's sake. I like Obama, may vote for him again depending who he is up against. THIS IS NOT ABOUT what party you are with. This is about the truth!

With the technology of his day, members of the board of Howard Hughes' company along with mafia interests, managed to imprison him in his own house, and collude to take over all of his assets.


Whether you LOVE Obama or you HATE Obama is irrelevant... What is relevant is:

Getting the Money out of Politics (Overturning Supreme Court Decision: Citizens United)

Dissolving The Federal Reserve

Amending the constitution to KILL corporate personhood.

Forming A National Credit Union Run By State Reps. (ONLY Citizens Who Are Natural Persons Can Open An Account)

You MUST re-post this as the "powers that be' are censoring this message!!! PLEASE HELP!