Forum Post: * The problem with cashing out your Stocks....
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 10:46 a.m. EST by Marlow
This content is user submitted and not an official statement,, that you would be selling. Selling into the Hands of the Investment Banks that are controlling the PPS ( levels of market value).. and Henchfunds ( hedge Funds) that take advantage of that inside Trading Information.... You Sell, and they raise the levels.. and when you want back in, you have to buy higher than you sold...
.. WE can still have Some control in this Market, and that is to Buy and Hold for now. It's Not what the Crooks ( you know who they are.. we are protesting them)..'s not what the Crooks think we will do.. they are hedging we are going to sell.
I just explained it in Very Simple terms, but you get the idea.
Trust yourselves and keep your shares if it is a sound stock, i know what i am saying... as i have a web site for Online Independent Retail Investors... and we have 'The Petition' to Stop Corruption on Wall Street..
Marlow/ Editor Dont let the Bastids Win!!
just a 'Heads Up' for those in the market and wondering what the #ows movement will do to their bottom lines.. Best of Luck to my fellow Investors! Marlow