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Forum Post: THE Problem with Capitalism are those circumventing Laws in Place

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:18 a.m. EST by Marlow (1141)
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.. and twisting it into something that no is longer a workable system. Example... We HAD a Fair Trading Market System.. .. Goldman Sachs took that over the trading floor where Public Stocks traded in the Open.. and rules were in place making it work as fairly as possible...and Replaced that with a Privately Owned and run High Tech Trading Program in Place at the Head of the Street, and now controls All the Exchange trading Orders.. That's Collusion , plain and simple.. but they Circumvented the Rules and Regulations by Lying to Congress, and putting Their ex Ceo's in positions of Authority that over-see the laws.

THAT is unacceptable, and that is just the Tip f the Ice Berg in How Capitalism is Vulnerable to those that have NO Honor, nor concern for anyone other than themselves in this World!

Some Say..'without capitalism we only get Socialism'..... Well..What do you think has already happened?

Capitalism is held Hostage in the hands of the Crooked 1%, and we are left with Social-Slavery!

Marlow/ Editor.. investors4justice.net Sponsor of 'The Petition' to "Stop the Corruption on Wall Street"



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[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

If you dont understand Capitalism, then you are not alone... But you need to educate yourselves starting with the History of it.. and learn how it has changed in the Modern Economic World..

Best to all 99%'ers!

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

Please take the time to Sign on Line 'The Petition' that is Circulating at the #ows Camps around the World..


It's Your Chance to make a Difference, ..even if you Cant 'Beat the Streets' , you can sign this and send it out to those you know want to be a part of this Historical Event.

TY for your efforts of Support, ....and to those across the Sea who need to know we are there for them too! Marlow

[-] 0 points by smartguy (180) 13 years ago

You mean the problem with corporatism?