Forum Post: The problem is that over the last 80 years we have allowed
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 8:15 a.m. EST by tubeinaredcircle
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
corporations to grow into uncontrollable malevolent entities, that displace family/small business, that work our children in sweat shops, that destroy our air water and land, that finance our politicians and even write our laws. They have invaded every city in every country, their power is immense. They effectively control what you eat, what you think, where and if you work. Banks are simply here to lubricate their corporate transactions. Banks are no longer in the business of funding small business.
If OWS wants to leave a legacy, it should be a concise effort to curtail the alliance of Banks, Corporations and Washington. An alliance that if allowed it's current growth, will eventually consume us all, along with everything that has been fought for, liberty, freedom, justice.