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Forum Post: The Problem - I'm 99% sure...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 11:45 a.m. EST by bodo2 (0)
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...that Occupiers have a beef. I understand why it is difficult to articulate that beef.

In the 50's, I had the occasion, as a 10 year old, to meet President Dwight Eisenhower (on the Gettysburg Country Club golf course). It was a memorable meeting with a very impressive American. The moment helped frame my early image of the man and my perspective on our country, particularly given Eisenhower's subsequent caveat regarding "the industrial military complex".

I grew up with a very specific view of Republican pragmatism, the rationality of our legislative system, balance of power, separation of church and state, and our role as informed voters.

Since that time we've endured

Nixon (the death of iconic Presidencies)
FOX Noise (decline of journalistic integrity)
Credit default swaps (financial gaming)
even the conundrum that is Tim Geithner

And so on...

Unless you have been a full time student of recent history, politics, and all things covert in this country, you may have a rather archaic view of the current American Political and Social Landscape. Indeed those that have been distracted by the game that is "Pursuit of YOUR PERSONAL American Dream" (I'm awaiting the XBOX version) over the last 20 years are likely disappointed by what defines America these days.

The internet and social media have begun to open up the "back rooms" Now there is a rush to judgement in the midst our current economic plight - and it is chaotic.

Let the judgement flow, but in a representative democracy, I'm afraid the enemy is us. The collective WE that has disregarded the election process, been oblivious to: the "new illegitimate marriage of church and state", the rise of absolutism, the auction that is our current elective process and the hum of the industrial-military machine.

My mother always said, "Make sure that when you point the finger at your problems, your wrist is capable of 180 degrees". I'm 99% sure that the problem is - US! HOW DO WE GET PRAGMATIC PARTICIPATION AND HONEST COLLABORATION BACK INTO A TRULY REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNING PROCESS? Learn, Create, Do.

  • Pass a constitutional amendment to "get money out"
  • Thoroughly vet, and elect pragmatic collaborative politicians
  • Inform yourself wrt. financial regulatory debate. Regulate speculative greed.
  • Build the middle class The revolution will be "YOU TOO-BED"



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[-] 1 points by betsydoula (143) from Beverly Hills, FL 13 years ago

Yes. Americans have become complacent, and they buy into everything spoon fed to them , literally and figuratively. Change is always from within. The world can only change when the people in it change.

[-] 1 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago
