Forum Post: The posts about guys with blue armbands kicking people out of park.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:10 a.m. EST by anotherone773
from Carlyle, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Their have been several post about this. Until someone gives you: A) hard evidence( video from the park) B) multiple videos/ angles with protesters around so you can be fairly sure it is not staged assume it is propaganda by the powers that want to destroy us.
Also remember it is not hard to make multiple accounts on here to post this type of stuff. So it is best to just ignore it as propaganda unless someone is willing to post proof( read youtube video)
Also remember a few people do get thrown out for bad behavior. If you make the group look bad then we cannot be associated with you. Either act like an adult or protest from home. This isnt playtime.
One example of this is someone defecating on a police car has been brought up many many times. One person does one thing like that and the whole group takes the heat for it.
ps - I actually think the guy who was supposedly crapping on the police car is Jimmy O'Keefe. The scrawny body & skinny bird legs look like him and he surfaced at the park a day or two later pretending to be an "investment banker"