Forum Post: The Popular Campaign to Drop Egypt’s Debt
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 1:32 a.m. EST by molokheya
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Popular Campaign to Drop Egypt’s Debt
Conference Invitation
"The impact of external debts on Egyptians"
You are cordially invited to attend the founding conference of the Popular Campaign to Drop Egypt's Debts in coordination with the international day for Egyptian Debt Cancellation. The conference is held under the title "The impact of foreign borrowing on Egyptians".
The conference will be held on Monday the 31st of October t the Journalist Syndicate in Cairo (Main room, 4th floor) at 6:30 pm.
The panelists include economist Ahmed El Naggar, Fathi El Chamkhy from the Tunisian Debt Audit Campaign, economic journalist Wael Gamal, as well as Khaled Ali, director of the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights.
Kindly find attached the campaign's founding statement and press release.
We look forward to your attendance,
Best Regards, The Popular Campaign to Drop Egypt’s Debt