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Forum Post: The police are using baits to trap protesters into law breaking.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 4:08 a.m. EST by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I know this sounds a little too far fetched, but I have seen it. Yesterday morning police allowed protesters to walk across a bridge. Immediately following this while protesters where about 1/3 of the way across the bridge the police began to corral protesters and pepper spray people......This kind of baiting of protesters is a tactic the police trains on and prepares for thoroughly....The other point this baiting is to portray protesters are law breaker in order to destroy the image of OWS.



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[-] 2 points by Washington (77) from Khon San, Chaiyaphum 13 years ago

It would be helpful if, when reporting incidents, the poster could mention the city (this one is NYC?) and the location (name of the bridge?)

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Pertello (80) 13 years ago

Financial Giants Put New York City Cops On Their Payroll

"The Paid Detail Unit was started in 1998 by the Rudy Giuliani administration; and it allows the New York Stock Exchange and Wall Street corporations to order up a flank of New York's finest with the ease of dialing the deli for a pastrami on rye. The corporations pay an average of $37 an hour (no medical, no pension, no overtime pay) for a member of the NYPD with gun, handcuffs and the ability to arrest. The officer is indemnified by the taxpayer, not the corporation". http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/10/10/financial-giants...

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Yes, I know..This says some thing negative about the progression of our democracy. We are inching our way towards fascism.

[-] 1 points by Coreupt (294) 13 years ago

r u surprised. With the unemployment rate at 10% the police departments should have no problem finding more cops if necessary. Intentional manipulation of the employment situation? Perhaps.

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Actually the real unemployment rate is higher. It's more like 13-14%

[-] 1 points by Coreupt (294) 13 years ago

Even better. A larger pool from which to choose. Nothing is coincidental.