Forum Post: The Police are not our Emeny!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 12:22 a.m. EST by attila
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The rank and file police are not our enemy. They are fellow workers who are just doing their jobs like the rest of us. I was at the march on wednesday for 4 hours yesterday and apart from the late night incidents, the cops were very respectful and the protests returned that respect. I thanked groups of them for their service and tried to remind them that we are also fighting for their pensions, healthcare, ect… It is the veteran white shirted officers who are initiating most of these arrests and brutal actions, not the younger men and women in blue. Their higher ups already have their retirement and pensions locked in, so they have nothing to gain from our movement. We need to fight fire with love and respect. Thank cops for doing their job and keeping the cities safe. Show that we consider them brother and sister workers. If hundreds and thousands of us do this I guarantee these incidents will grind to a halt. They may not cross the picket lines, but their hearts and minds will join the movement.