Forum Post: the plan
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9 a.m. EST by mh6474
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
the point that i would like to plant in our minds is that we ourselves hold the power we are the nation, the economy, the population. how we spend our paychecks makes up 100% of the economy. to change things we just need to set our minds to doing what it takes to get it done. heres the take control and not be controlled2. look for ways to spend our money locally with our friends and neighbors 3.reduce your trip to the big box stores 4.consider farmers markets over a chain food store 5. use small bank or credit union 6.use local gas and c-stores 7.look for American made products 8. stay out of micky-ds and look for more healthy and wiser family owned store 9.understand that these family owned stores really can't go head to head with the big boys. understand you will pay more, service will suck, return policy will be worse, staff may be limited. but your money stays local, that's important and worth the pain. 10.understand that your actions have power, where you spend your dollars really counts, look for ways to get your dollars in the hands of those around you. this make your community strong. if you need a service look on craig to see whos offering that service. this creates jobs, and please use caution. 11.always vote with your dollars, the rich are rich because we give them our pay checks each week. they suck at investing in communitys. so its up to us. 12.remember we are the customer. the whole country wants our dollars. we hold the power. lets us use it wisely, and god bless all of you
Fixing my resume, and hoping beyond hope I can get myself out of this bad choice.
Wal-mart with all their profits are cheating their employees! They started a Quit Tobacco program last year and got a huge list of all the tobacco users. This year tobacco users are facing incredible rate increases.
If employees with high BMI numbers were offered such a program and then the next year when a list was compiled, their insurance climbed like ours, there would be outrage across the country.
Can they legally do this program, get names, and then raise life, health, and critical care rates for those employees? Can those employees afford a lawyer? Can those employees find other jobs in this market? If they offer diet help, gym discounts, and programs for obese people, DO NOT SIGN UP! To keep my insurance which was $145 last year it will be $717 with an even higher deductible. Oh yeah, I have been to the Dr. once in three years and have used less than $100 in health care. Of course, I am struggling to quit but this is another corporation that under pays its employees and then does this.
Yes, I am sure that smokers probably do cost more to insure. I am positive that overweight employees cost even more. Also, positive that this would be out in the media, press, on signs, and everywhere if it was the overweight being targeted. There is no protections for us. Do I dare say that Wal-mart is ripe for a union. Union talk can be a job ender for a Wal-mart employee you know!
Sam is greatly missed. Last year they ended our profit sharing and this year, they are getting their salaries covered on the back of our benefits coverages. What does next year bring?
They can get away with it because there is no union. Unions are a lot of work, and the laws are stacked against them and the people who want them. This is something I hope to see fixed as a result to the awakening that is going on.