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Forum Post: The Peoples Financial Bill of Rights

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 7:04 p.m. EST by unorganizedmob (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Recent events have brought an awakening to the masses about the financial corruption that plagues the US banking and political systems. It is time for a new strategy to be implemented to reset the corrupt system that has lowered the American standard of living. The people of The United States of America can no longer take a passive approach in attempting to correct the entrenched corruption.

Our current parasitic financial system feeds on the labor and production of the American people. This financial system only exists because we do not cleanse ourselves in the waters of choice. We the people are capable of starving these financial parasites by applying a focused set of calculated actions that will ensure our right of choice.

There is nothing more patriotic or American than exercising ones right to freely choose who they will transact business relationships with. It is un-American in a supposed free market economy for private corporations to use the government as an enforcement arm that limits choice or mandates business relationships. Free people who have decided to participate in the economy by circumventing the entrenched fraudulent systems of control should never be categorized as financial terrorists.

We the people deserve a financial bill of rights that shall be added as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States. This is why I humbly and respectfully submit to you my fellow Americans the framework of The Peoples Financial Bill of Rights.

Website: http://financialfairness.org Twitter: @FinanciallyFair Facebook: Financial Fairness Organization



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[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

looks interesting. could be incorporated into the document theghostofthomassjefferson wrote because he is arguing for one focussed demand rather than a list of grievances. He says:

"This is not a question of politics, of right or wrong. This is a question of intelligence. We must be smart. We enjoy popular support, for now. But to preserve America's good will, we must keep our demands narrow: end the corrupting influence of money in politics. That is something a majority of Americans can get behind. That is something a social movement can achieve. And then, and only then, can the other issues be successfully pursued."