Forum Post: the pen is mightier, you are going to find out the courts are biased
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 25, 2011, 12:37 p.m. EST by pensmightierthan
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If you think wall street is biased, wait till you get to the Civil Court and the Judges. Please stop getting arrested. I know you have this dream that you will be heard, but I can assure you that the only thing you are going to find out is that the bias on Wall Street is nothing compared to the New York Civil Courts and the justices there. And I know you think the press will come to your aid but you cannot count on it. There is so much bias in the New York Civil Courts and the Justices there that it is scary and makes Wall Street look like a walk in the park. There couldn't be a Wall Street withoout the proctection of the courts. Please, the pen is mightier than the sword. Getting arrested will get you no where. No one is going to hear your voice. The problem is not wall street it is the courts and the justice system and the lawmakers. Without changeing that there is no chance for change. Till we elect with our own money there is no chance for change.