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Forum Post: The payoff - time to make a demand.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 1:36 p.m. EST by JimB (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The heart of the problem is wage stagnation and declining treatment of employees. Here's my answer: "Fair Wage Tax Reform". Reset the corporate tax rate to 40% (Reagan era). Offer real incentives to employers who pay a living wage, give full health and retirement benefits and don't have high employee turnovers - 20% tax rate. Use a graduating scale upward toward the $40% rate based on participation and reward. Political take: "We want all companies to pay lower taxes" (providing they treat employees fairly).



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[-] 1 points by gestopomilly (497) 13 years ago

and to help the people that are in trouble:

The idea of the banks recovering the loss thru selling the property is, at this time, ludicrous

Idea: Banks should be required to ' Suspend' payments and interest accumulation if a person loses their job during an 'economic downturn' until that person finds a comparable paying job or until the national unemployment rate is less than 5%.

this only changes who owns the money