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Forum Post: The Pain-in-the-Ass 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 1:52 p.m. EST by enough (587)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If there are a million people who donate $1 each to a politician's election campaign and there is one large Political Action Committee who donates $1 million, guess who is going to gain access to the politician when he gets elected? It defies common sense to think that the one million people are going to be represented more fairly than the $1 million donor. The big single donor will gain easy access to the politician and his voice will be heard loud and clear whereas the million faceless donors will be regarded as incidental background noise. This is how wealthy donors cut to the front of the line and hold sway over our elected representatives who do their bidding. It would defy logic if it were any other way. Both political parties actively seek out donations from well-heeled special interests and they do it 24/7. The voices of the 99% become a cacophony of pain-in-the-ass constituents to elected politicians who understand that money talks and the masses walk. It's that simple and it has to end.



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[-] 1 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 13 years ago

Wake up my friend. Money only helps to get some guy elected (in your country it seams), but then the guy or girl you elect has 0 power. I remember that Obama wanted to close Guantanamo. Then something must have happened and he coudn´t. I´m sure he would like to know (as most Americans) who was behind the 9-11, but he can´t do anything. Besides you and your country will become one of the saddest countries to live in if many continue thinking your way. Truth is, the world is doing more or less what we all wanted. To become a better place for everyone. Problem we the middle and lower class countries like yours (Strong potential, but little helping the poor people) will end up in extreme poverty. Why? Simply because the labor is cheaper in other countries for the moment and there seems to be no plan to compensate those who lose their jobs. Obama, as friendly as he sounds (we have to gice these people jobs) is kidding you guys or himself. Anyway in a few years, robots will take over most jobs and the 1% has no option but sharing some of the wealth (or to release a mayor infection that will kill the entire population but those who have the antidote)

Most of the humankind is very selfish (if not educated as in Cuba for example) especialy the poor because they can only think about themselves and how to survive and the rich because the more you get, the more you want. Well good luck anyway with your next "democratic" election. lol

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

I think the deferential of donation between the poor and the rich '

may already be skewed against group efforts