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Forum Post: the only solution is world revolution, again

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:47 a.m. EST by jkintree (84)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Revolution means a radical, from the roots, change. It does not mean change through violence. In fact, change through violence is probably not a true revolution, but a perpetuation of old patterns.

The Internet is the tool of the revolution. It's a revolution through sharing information, communicating, and raising expectations for a self-organized grassroots global decision making body.

Incumbent powers use violence to maintain their control. The Mubarak regime shut down the Internet in Egypt for five days. This only served to illustrate how afraid the Mubarak regime was of losing control, and how stupid the Mubarak regime was to think that this would help them keep control. Once a regime has exposed how afraid and stupid it is, it is awfully hard for it to keep control.

We know that changing a regime is not the same thing as changing the structure of power. The revolution is not complete.



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[-] 2 points by jreynolds (4) 13 years ago

Very insightful, jkintree. I hope people around the world will come to the realization that change won't happen by merely substituting different leaders for the current ones. The whole fabric and means of organization of society must change. Things must become less hierarchical. As long as there is a 1% put into power through some political process, the 99% will remain enslaved.

[-] 1 points by rbe (687) 13 years ago

Are you afraid that when things really heat up, the internet will be shut down?

[-] 1 points by jkintree (84) 13 years ago

Some fear of that, but not too afraid. The Internet serves so many other purposes aside from citizen empowerment, it would be difficult to shut down. If it is shut down, as happened in Egypt for five days, it illustrates how really weak and illegitimate the government; all the more reason for that government to be removed. Anyway, courage is doing things even when we are afraid.

[-] 1 points by klochel727 (9) from Mount Laurel, NJ 13 years ago

the problem with America is worrying about the world, what America needs to do is worry about itself and only itself, buy American and shut ourselves away from the rest of the world

[-] 1 points by jkintree (84) 13 years ago

I wonder what the United States would be like if the only things we bought were produced here. Isolationism is one of the most frequent negative responses to participating in a world revolution. Another is that a self-organized grassroots global decision making body will never happen, at least not within a hundred years. Ok. Got those out of the way. Anything else?

[-] 1 points by sunshinejoy9 (2) 13 years ago

can someone please play the movie !waking life! that movie tells it all and i want everyone to know about it and see it, its a must!!

[-] 1 points by jkintree (84) 13 years ago

What is your association between the movie "Waking Life" and nonviolent global revolution?