Forum Post: The one-percent's emerging totalitarian strategy
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 8:41 a.m. EST by 99time
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The strategy of the one percent is becoming clear. Threaten the protesters with a false deadline, preferably on a weekend, wear the people out, let the deadline pass, then, a day or two later, preferably on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning, assault the citizens in the wee hours with massive force.
You forgot the month long smear campaign.
Whatever works, mission accomplished. So what can OWS/99% do to make themselves look strong and smart?
Getting smarter always helps. Adopting the Nine Principles from MLK and SCLC is a giant step forward.
Commitment to Nonviolence is the broad gateway. Nonviolence is the fulcrum. Discipline is the lever. Here is the core message from Dr. King as he translated the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi:
Pledge For Nonviolence
Agent provocateur "provo” incited riots at Air and Space Museum, August 8th, and at Oakland have been the worst of it. These were attempts using on-the-payroll thugs to separate Occupy from nonviolence. Nonviolence, first, combined with love. That is the way Occupy can achieve Justice. That is also how Occupy can achieve Reconciliation with citizens such as the Tea Party people who have been misled into accepting the trillion dollar fraud schemes of Wall Street's gangsters.