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Forum Post: The Occupy Solution

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 11:04 p.m. EST by TommyTC (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What is the problem with our economy and government? Greed; greed is the root of all problems. Wither it is for power, money or often both, it has infested the people that control corporations and our government. Now, we can protest to get our voices heard, but that doesn’t change the course. The people in charge are still in control. They don’t care about you after they acknowledge you. Only what is in their best interest is on their mind; not what is good for the people.

How can we change it? First we must change our government. The political parties have failed the people to whom they represent. They fail to represent the state to which they are from, and only take action on behalf of lobbyist and special interest groups. So, to answer the question, we must remove the major political parties from power. How? They are so powerful… There power ends at the ballot box.

We must start a campaign of social media, a digital political power that will have normal people elected to represent we the people. Utilizing the “Write in Candidate” method and following all constitutional and standing law, we must use the power of social media to get people elected to represent us. Once elected, we can use opinion polls and online data gathering to have them address the issues that actually concern us.
By organizing a massive movement to the ballot boxes, we can force an election that will bring down the current political parties that have failed us. We can elect individuals who vow to comply with the opinion polls, take action on their behalf and who vow to only take action for the cause and not other lobbyist or groups.

This process can be implemented at both the national and state level of government, for all elected officials. The Senate, the House of Representatives, the Presidency; all can be taken with this method. We have the tools and opportunity in this digital age to take back our country, it is only up to us to do it.



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[-] 1 points by taalexander0614 (1) from Raleigh, NC 13 years ago

The problem with this idea is that voters will need to know his complete background, apart from what he decides to tell people. Major news sources will ignore these side party candidates for the most part and short of the Occupy movement itself trying to dig up all the dirt on its own candidates, how will the voters ever really feel informed enough to choose these write-ins?

[-] 1 points by bakerjohnj (121) 13 years ago

Greed is a symptom of inequality. Without it power is up for grabs. With power up for grabs no quantity of lawyers, guns or money can guarantee security. Without security people become animals which is the true nature of greed.


[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

This is a very interesting concept; and I think the Ron Lawl campaign and supporters were trying to use elements of this; but it seems the corporate media are severely marginalizing him, and using disinformation to eliminate public interest in him. The spin machine was able to minimize the digital campaign because most Americans still trust corporate main stream media.